Chapter 25 - Outside Help

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[error's pov]

"I can help you get back"

Error quickly spun around, staring at the newcomer, they had a black faded to red coat over a plain dark red shirt, black faded to red trousers, that were a bit bigger at the bottom, black shoes, a long purple scarf that also split into red and blue ends, silver bones, and a hood that was floating, not attached to anything.

"How¿ aNd Who aRe yOU?

"I can be called whatever you wish to call me, I believe I was described as a moderater some time ago, so maybe that?"
"and I can merge both the multiverses, with how small this one is and how damaged your original is, it'd be easier to do so."

Error stared at them in disbelief, not believing they could easily combine two multiverses, but wanting to know if it would work.

"wHy... aRe yoU wiLliNg to hElp?"

"because your fate seems crueler than others, but I don't believe they are the cruelest, but I decided to offer my help, so that you may be able to... 'deal' with them"

"oKa- ... wAiT... OthErS?!"

"the different versions of fate in different omniverses"

"wAit, You cAn sEe otHeR omniVerSes?!"

"and travel between them, but I normally tend to just watch instead of getting involved, not unless they truly need my help, or I have a reason to get involved"

"huH, sO yOu basIcAlLy are a ModEraTer, Huh?"


"alRight, Is 'Mod' oKay fOr a NicknAme?"

"yeah, I'm fine with anything that isn't 'bad', also, if I am going to combine the multiverses, the others should probably be told as well"

"GoOd poInt, And We woUld nEed thEm to bE okAy with It, I don'T thiNk othErs From My mulTivErse wOuld cAre thAt mUch, oR noTicE"

"okay, you go ask, I have things to do"

[error calls all the others over, and explains to everyone about what mod told him, who came back halfway through explaining. They all agree to go with this plan, and start preparing - dome days later, everything is ready on their end]....

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[no-ones pov]

Error and the others woke up in their universes, Error told the others he was going to stop the multiverse from collapsing, then introduce them to his friends when this is done, Exitium helped destroy the universes that were putting the multiverse in danger. Ink new that the universes had to be destroyed, so didn't try to stop them.... No one else knew about any of the universes that had shown up, or that the multiverse was slightly bigget now, only that Error was back.

Mod continued to watch every now and then, as well as the several other multiverses and omniverses he was interested in currently, but focused on doing what he considers his job...

A/N -
What the.. 21k reads!? Thanks people that decided to read this!

Part 2 of this story is complete, now they are back in Error's multiverse! I am going to have another break for a week or two, then start putting up new chapters again, hopefully you have all enjoyed this story so far and continue to enjoy the next chapters ^w^ - also, I am going to check through the chapters soon and see if there were any comments I didn't realise were there, I have already noticed one so yea.

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