Chapter 14 - Tale

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Error turned to his right, to see the papyrus of this au, was similar to him

Black bones

Same 'error' signs
Error crashed

The next thing he saw was his 'brother' looking at him, hugging him, some tears falling down his face, then error realised he was crying too.
Error had asked what happened...
Papyrus, or "crash" as he was apperantly called now, said that the world had started collapsing around them, everyone had been evacuated to the castle, but the ground and area around them kept collapsing into an empty black abyss, but they had woken up sometime later, but error was nowhere to be found, no matter how much they looked, but he wasn't the only one, there were more monsters that had 'fallen down' as well, but all of them left some form of clothing behind, error hadn't, so they all believed he was alive somewhere....Soon years had passed, and the world started glitching again, but it didn't collapse again, just glitched a bunch, so everyone mainly just shrugged it off.

Crash and error decided they will go to see everyone else, then error would have to explain where he has been all this time, error wasn't to happy about that and figured everyone would either hate him, be scared of him, or both, but he knew this was his au, he didn't know how, he just knew, but before then, crash was giving error a tour of "Snowdoff", as it had been renamed, as it was the final, or first depending which way you came from settlement in the underground, and was also made to block of the other side, still named 'snowdin', the name 'snowdoff' had also been a pun in memory of error, and because snowdin is a pun aswell, as it was a snowy town that had a wall stopping anyone from crossing to the other side, well, almost anyone. Not only that, but crash was also a member of the royal gaurd, and was in charge of the snowdoff area.

The next place they were going through was the waterfall and 'waterhell' area, basically hotland's code was shoved into half of waterfall, and so there were quite a few lava falls, the path they were going along was on top of the wall that separated waterhell and waterfall, as waterhell was much more dangerous(having lava all around) so it was cut off, while waterfall was more or less the same, after about half an hour of walking, they reached undynes house, or 'patch' as Crash said she was called now, but she wasn't home. There was a note on the door saying that she was at the lab, so the two brothers set of for hotland, with error still taking in his surroundings

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