Chapter 4 - ruins

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The multi-void was almost completely destroyed, nightmare and his gang went back to his castle, as it was attacked by dream and several others while inky was fighting error and the mares in the multi-void. error decided to go help nightmare at his castle, but when he got there they were mainly just setting up shelters, as the castle was in ruins, and they were all in agreement, inky, dream, and all the others were going to pay for what they had done.

[timeskip a week cause yeet]

After the mares had a safe-ish place to live until the castle is rebuilt, error went on a destroying spree, something he doesn't do that often, not anymore at least, destroying more than 100 au's in the last few days, inky had gone to stop error, but he decided to leave whenever ink had shown up, leaving the au half destroyed, so that he could hope inky would stay to repair it, which worked most of the time. The Chara's also started going out of their way to try to kill off the 'judge' of their au, no matter what timeline it was, after they heard what happened

On the second week of mass destruction and chaos, inky called a meeting to see if they could deal with error and the mares, eventually being decided that they may have to go with their original plan, of taking out all the mares, then dealing with error and nightmare. But before the plan was fully agreed on, another idea for dealing with error was announced by epic, making a blank au to lure error, then gang up on him, then follow him to whatever au he may flee to.

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