Chapter 13 - Error

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Everything was black

..No blue

...No red

....No green

.....No white

......No colours

Just black

And only black, no sounds, no smells, nothing

JusT bLaCk

Then it was warm, not just black, but also warm

Then it was gone

Then it was white
And slightly cold

Error shot up, looking around, he realised he was in a snowy forest, on a path, close to a large, blue faded to black door..... He was back in an au, but which one? He doesn't know, so he decides to look around a bit, he has never seen an au like this before, so it may be an original, or at least new, so he started walking up the path, taking in his surroundings.

Error quickly realised something was wrong, the colours were normal-ish, being anew and unknown au, but.... There were no monsters, or humans(which was normal), and there was no dust anywhere either, and when he got to the first puzzle, it was deactivated, and looked like it had been abandoned for years, even the 'walls' were starting to show through the snow covering it. Not only that, but the code was showing throughout the area, some seemed to be missing chunks of it aswell

It was the same throughout the forest, old,  abandoned and code showing, there even seemed to be makeshift walls at some parts of the path, when error got to the bridge, it had been destroyed, even the in the worst au's the bridge was still up, maybe damaged a bit, but still up, but this one was just gone, so he teleported across, and got to snowdin town, or what was left of it.

Error was shocked, there was a wall across the middle, it was old and abandoned like everywhere else so far, but there was some smoke on the other side, a fire? Error didn't bother exploring and teleported past the wall, hiding behind some trees he knew would be there, but there were a few more, and not just that, but it was a campfire with some people around it, and around the place in general, but not as many as there normally would be, and not just that, but everyone looked similar to him, to error...
Not his "error"s though, but glitches similar to Geno's glitch on his eye, and everyone even seemed to have a similar colour scheme as him, their appearance were similar to undertale, but with the glitches on them a bit, along with a mix of red or yellow fingers on their hands, and either black or white fur or scales, with a mix of either black, blue, or white clothes

Then he heard someone say something, he didn't hear what they said first, or who said it.... but then they said it louder....


Cliffhanger sorry not sorry owo
nd look what is bein updated again

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