Chapter 24 - Hopeless...?

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[unknown location - unkown pov]
"they are still searching, huh?"

[error's pov]
It has been around a week, I have gotten more used to this multiverse and how it works, and almost all of my memory has returned. I can't lie, I will miss all my friends, well, I already do, but being around everyone from my home universe, and my new friends has helped quite a bit, and the others are still 'testing' the possibilities of getting back to my multiverse... They are mainly just throwing cameras strapped to objects of different sizes into the void and seeing where they end up, they are idiots, but they are pretty smart. I also keep seeing someone in my dreams, they look similar to Fate but, maybe they are another deity? I have tried talking to them but they always appear close to when I wake up.

I've made some more scarves and puppets as well, not much else to do at night, since i can't and don't need to sleep, although the others are trying to get me to sleep every few days at least, I hope everyone is somewhat ok, although I doubt they would be fine, unless another destroyer came about or inky stopped creating Aus before it was to much.

Hopefully the others can find somewhere safe when the multiverse collapses, if we can't get there in time.....if...we can get there.......i think I may just have to get used to not being able to see them again....

"I can help you get back"

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