Chapter 4~

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⚠️Warning ⚠️ smut ⚠️ warning ⚠️

Your POV.

My eyes slowly opened as the bright lights started to blind me. "Oh good your awake."

I looked over to the lady as my eyes adjusted to the light. "H h h how l l long" she smiled and hushed me.

"No need to speak. You've been unconscious for 4 hours, but it's ok you would have been out for 2 if I wouldn't have done surgery." She smiled at me and my heart plummet out of my chest and shoot out the window.

My jaw now on the floor as I started to shake my head "wh wh why" a soft hand rested upon my cold tiny fingers.

" when you hit your head you've mist have did something that caused a small bleed in the brain. Do you will have trouble breathing and forming words. So to treat this you are to have a tutor to help with your work and to also help with speech. " I hugged my knees w w what h h have I d d  d done!

She rubbed my cheek and left "dinner will be served in 5 or so minutes"  Madam Pomfrey is a sweet nurse but at times she can be super strict like if never ate your food she will force that shit down your throat.

But I wasn't scared of her I was more shaken of who my tutor was going to be?

I snuggled up in the sheets as I closed my eyes drifting off into a dream that looked all to familiar.

I walked into my house 'why am I here again, it's not holiday season' I wondered around everything was quite until footsteps creaked down the wood stairs.

I took a step back as a figure started to appear.

It was my father well step-father the Tasmanian devil it's self.  He started to walk closer as I stood still trying to show no fear as he placed his hand on my face. 

I knew what was to happen next. He smashed his chapped lips against my soft ones as he backed us up into a wall I tried to escape his touch but. I was to late.

He took my wrists with his giant hands and forced them above my head as he used the other hand to take off our clothes as I screamed for help.

No one answered as he took my up to his bed room closer the door and locked it.

He tied my hands to the bed as he sucked in my neck nipping at the skin.
I tried not to moan but it was to late he found my soft spot.

I started to scream as he went down further telling to him stop. Pleading. Begging for mercy in which I've never done before until now. I usually give in but this time I wasn't going to let him take advantage of me.

My legs started kick as I aimed to kick him in the dick. As I was unsuccessful at the first try I managed to get it the second.

The power of the kick was very forceful we're He feel back off the bed. I tried to escape but only managed to get one hand out.

My father stood up rubbing his cock as it got harder. He shot a smirk at me with a dash of anger.

"You will pay for that" he said as he took out a knife from the draw beside him and pointed it at my throat as he pounded his throbbing cock into me making me scream.

He thrusted back and forth. Faster. Harder. Angrier.

As he finished and came inside me he climbed atop of me with the knife still pointed towards me. " your such a slut".

He slowly slid the knife across my throat.

I woken from my dream sweating, panicking, and gasping for air.  I looked up to see nurses and the headmaster standing above me. "W w what" I stuttered " what happened dear is you were screaming like you were in pain so we came rushing towards you to see if you were ok. Then after we summoned the headmaster to help" she said as she held an ice cold cloth upon my forehead.

Silence fell upon us all making it awkward to look at everyone so I tipped my head down to avoid the awkward stares.

"Well y/n I'm pleased to see your doing perfectly fine. I know your wondering who your tutor is?" He questioned me I nodded ever so slightly as he spoke again.

" professor Snape will be helping you with speech and tutor you for homework. How does that sound" Dumbledore was always so kind I can always trust him and I feel as if we have a good bond. 

But I had to speak my mind and my mind is saying that it's a bit. Awkward!

"A A Awkward" his smile softened as he leaned in and sat on the edge of the hospital bed.

" why is that my I ask" I swallowed and started to talk " w w well w we d d don't t t t t talk a and  I it's w weird  c cause h h he c can b b be s s s s s strict a at s some t t times" I loosened my  smile as the headmaster patiently waited for me to look back up at him for I had tipped my head down to avoid any awkwardness.

" well I will give him strict orders to not be mean to you at all. But for now you need to eat and rest your session will start up tomorrow at 6 in the dungeons. I suggest not being late miss. Y/n l/n!" He winked as he walked out of the room leaving me with worried looking nurses.

But I didn't complain there food was amazing. I wish I could stay here all day!

I suggest not though cause my friends need me and I need them. I also need that tutor session.

Finally I finished and fell right to sleep trying to think of happy thoughts to make sure I don't have any night mares.

Ok sorry for not posting my parents won't leave me be so they only time I get to work on this book is when it's 12 or 1 am.  Anyway loves ya MWA 💋

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