Chapter 8~

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I woke up early and got ready. Today we were going to hogsmeade and I was going to be accompanied by non other then Professor snape.

I wasn't really complaining I mean this just lets me tease him which will be fun.

I wanted to look nice but still a bit slutty. So I picked out the perfect outfit.

(a/n: Everyone has been complaining about how the outfit wasn't slutty enough so hows this?)

(a/n: Everyone has been complaining about how the outfit wasn't slutty enough so hows this?)

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I left my hair down and headed to the great hall It was a weekday so we did not need to wear our robes.

I met up with Madison, who was sitting with y/b/n and Cedric. They were really close. I sat down beside y/b/n across from the two and gave them an perplexing look.

"What!" She blurted out "are you two um" I made a hand signal and they were shocked "HELL yah. Took you long enough" we laughed.

They were cute together not going to lie. "Who do you ship me with?" Said y/b/n we had to think " Definitely Fred Wesley" he laughed.

I can see who they can work haha. "Ok how about me" I laughed. "DRACO MALFOYYTYYY" they screamed " what n no he's to young for me" they shrugged.

I wish they could have choose Snape. Wait what n no I he wouldn't like me like I like him I mean. My thoughts raced as if they were tiny lightning bolts.

We looked over at the Slytherin table to see little Draco staring at me. I waved he did to.

"Awwww your to cute" Madison said forming a heart making me blush hard. I don't like Draco like that I mean he's cute but he can never be professor Snape I mean. Snape's got it all. He's got the hot look. The sexy voice. And he's really smart.

Draco is fine but Snape is my kind of guy. I smiled over to Snape who I'm sure was riding my thoughts cause that's just something he likes to do to me.

I finished my breakfast and headed outside early for some fresh air. We were suppose to leave for hogsmeade at 8:45 it was only 8:28. Oh well if I'm early I guess I Im early.

I sat on a bench and fiddled with my fingers until students started pulling into the outside world.

We started to get into the carriage as I went in and sat down Snape came in with me. We were the last ones left so we got the whole carriage to ourself.

" hi there professor" I said as I undone my coat leaving it open " hello y/n are you ready for our. Adventure?" I nodded while looking out the small carriage window

My merlan it's so cold out I'm happy we didn't have to walk or that would have been a pain in the ass. My fuck how am I supposed to go shopping for something for him and go into personal stores.

Unconditional Love//Snape X female Reader/OcWhere stories live. Discover now