Chapter 3~

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Your POV.

I woke up from the soft sheets in my bed I stretched out and let a small yawn escape my mouth.

I got out of bed made it up and got dressed and ready for class.

Damn I got flying class first. I don't like flying class very much. I'm not that good at flying and professor hooch keeps correcting me and every little detail.

I started to walk out of my room and caught Madison walking out of the Hufflepuff common room.

I ran up to her she was with Cedric. She may have had a small crush on him but oh well.

"Hey Madison hey Cedric what you talking about?" They turned to me and gave me a warm smile.

"Not very much just chatting about our favourite subjects, may I ask yours" I looked around.

"Well I really like D. A. D. A but I'm surprisingly enthusiasm for potions" They both stared eerie at me like I was insane.

We didn't speak again until we were almost outside we didn't even say a word at breakfast! " soooooooo" Madison said looking at the both of us bewildered.

We didn't communicate! It was quite weird I don't know why he hates potions or it may just be Snape.

We stepped outside in the cool air. I took a deep breath to respire the morning air.

Madame Hooch started talking about taking care of your brooms and how important it is to not scratch them but just my luck I almost scratched it.

She stood behind me and growled at the small mistake I made. I made a crooked small at her and shrugged my shoulders.

Surprisingly she rolled her eyes and went back to explaining what to do. Holy beluga whales and fudge icicles that was close.

"Merlan Im surprised she didn't scream at you y/n" Madison shrieked in surprise and delight.

I nodded at her and made sure I was more careful this time. And thank merlan i was cause I'm sure I would have lost 20 points.

Finally after an hour of madam Hooch again correcting me on tiny details and staring me down with her yellow eyes we were dismissed.

I let out a small sigh, and headed to my next class which was potions, Double potions!

Oh no I swallowed and almost choked. I got a little sweaty as I was walking down the stairs to class.

What In merlans beard was wrong with me I'm not having a panic attack am I? I questioned my thoughts and then finally came to a conclusion we're I was not.

I stepped foot in the dungeons as a cold breeze hit my face sending shivers down my spine. My now frozen fingers intertwined as I blew my hot breath at them attempting to warm them.

I was unsuccessful. So I kept walking to professor Snape's classroom hoping it would not be as brisk as the hallways were.

I was ecstatic to see Madison and Cedric talking but not quite elated to the squall of freezing greeting.

What I'm the teddy bears and rainbows, why the bloody hell was it so Cold? Never mind that I should just sit down. I took a seat right next to my friends as professor Snape dashed in with his cloak trailing behind him.

He whipped himself around to take a glance at everyone. He scanned everyone's faces and took a holt at mine and scanned my body sending shivers down my spine.

" I suggest everyone knows what I expect in this classroom no ludicrous business, students are to raise there hand to ask or answer a question, and we are to be learning suitable science not magic spells or uncalled for wand waving" he took a breath and continued " we are to be learning about cure for boils but thanks to Mr. Colins foolish wand waving and spell rehearsal we are NOT, to be making the potion"

Unconditional Love//Snape X female Reader/OcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora