Chapter 11~

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I started to pack. I was heading home for break. I was not thrilled. But I'm glade I'm not nauseous anymore.

I threw up all day yesterday and it was not charming. I have no idea why I was feeling indisposed but I had a lot of homework cause I had no choice but to take the day off. You wouldn't think the professors would give out work for you to do but I was far from right.

I finished packing and headed down to the dungeons to see Severus or my boyfriend, now that we were together I can finally say that I'm not single.

I mean getting asked out almost 4 times a week can get pretty exhausting. I've became the queen of the word "No"-(Funny thing i actually am I say no all the time ok continue)-

I mean the poor students though just looking for love.

I knocked on the door to the professors classroom as it swung open I was faced with the one and only. "Headmaster Dumbledore. Um hi. Ugh what are you d doing down here. No offence obviously but I'm just inquisitive".

He smiled at me " Oh don't you worry there miss l/n I was just helping the professor with some paper grading" his smile was off it seemed suspicious. Why in the seven seas would Dumbledore help a professor with there grading this seems a little awkward.

"Well I should go but before I head out. I would like to ask why your here as well" I was pretty good with excuses so I easily made one up.

" I came down to say see you later. I like doing that to all my teachers to be polite and charitable" his smile now turned from suspicious to a more orderly smile.

It was more real looking. He passed aside me as I slowly entered the cold classroom.

" what was that all about. If you don't mind me asking of course" I said with politeness I didn't want to seem rude to him at all.

"As he said he was helping me grade papers." My eyes widened "You dont believe me. Do you?"

I shook my head he signalled me to come over and pointed to a very sinuous, flowing, graceful hand written print.

It was far from Severus's cursive writing his was more bold and thick. 

He pulled me into a hug on his lap and he snuggled into me and whispered in my ear "I love you" my heart filled with warmth and safety.

"I love you too."

After a few minutes of cuddling I kissed him on the lips and got up. It was nearly 11 and I had to get to the train.

As I started to walk out a hand grabbed my wrist "you will be careful right baby" I laughed and came close to him "of course. Why do you think not" he lifted his head up.

"Well after you being sick yesterday I think you should. Take things a bit slow" he winked at me.

What does he mean by that. That I should take things slow I'm fine just a bit sick that's all. I nodded and went off.

We arrived at the station and got into the train and made my way to an empty compartment. I found one and sat down and stared at the window.

My friends might be in a different compartment then I am but that's ok I like the quite. But what did Severus mean by "take things slow" and that wink must have meant something. Maybe something that happened before we had sex or after we did. Wait no cause after we had sex I left and then woke up the next morning feeling sick.

That's not normal isn't it. Waking up after having sex and then feeling sick or nauseous.

I don't know i might have to do a bit of reading about it when I'm home. But how would I be able to tell my step father that he can't have sex with me cause I have a boyfriend.

He wouldn't believe me anyways. Ugh fuck him i hate him so much I wish my mother would believe me but she loves him to much.

We arrived and I grabbed my shit and slowly made my way out of the train being the last person off and the last person to leave the station.

I usually have to take a taxi cause my mom decides to never show up so luckily I got some muggle money in my pocket.

I waved down a taxi and told him my destination and we set off. It only took 15 minutes to get there. I could have walked but I would look psychotic cause I was caring an owl.

But the driver was kind and he didn't mind me having my owl with me on my lap.

Ugh "here we are" the driver said as I gave him the money with a little tip for being so very kind and generous.

I gathered my things and stood outside my house door. 

It was a small house but it was big enough for the three of us. And I wish it was only two of us
But no mother had to go and find herself an idiotic boyfriend to torture me with.

I swear to Satan I was standing outside the house for a solid 25 minutes until I decided to go in.

As I entered the fresh smell of strawberries hit me like a title wave. I love the smell of strawberries they always relaxed me.

I tried my best to not make eye contact to my mother but it was to late cause she already saw me come through the door.

She was charging at me like a bull. It scared me a bit but I didn't bother moving.

"How was your trip back" I could tell she was excited cause not only did she have a smile on her face but she was jumping up and down like crazy. Like she wanted to tell me something.

I hope she does tell me something. Maybe she broke up with that man.

She calmed herself down " I have great news that you will love darling come with me" she took ahold of my hand and brought me to the dinning room.

Wait I don't see my step father around. Holy mother of cows is he actually gone. Oh please do tell me father is gone.

"Ok you ready" she asked but I know I had to ask we're my father so I did.

Unconditional Love//Snape X female Reader/OcWhere stories live. Discover now