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Author's POV

Jeongyeon was feelin' the music while on the way to Seoul Café when she decided to call Nayeon.
J: Hello?

N: Oh, Jeongyeon-ah. Why?

J: Nothing. I'm just excited and miss you. I'm on my way there. I can't wait to see you!

N: Me too, Jeongyeon ..

J: I'm sorry ..

N: For what?

J: Because of what happened. Everything ..

N: Hey, don't be too dramatic right now! Just get here safely and we'll talk about everything. The store will close soon.

J: Okay. See you there.

N: Take care. Drive safely. I love you.

J: I love you too.
Jeongyeon was so happy while driving because they can finally fix everything and get back to together.

It started snowing late in the evening.

Just 10 minutes more and Jeongyeon should be there soon.

The stoplight went red and Jeongyeon stopped right before the pedestrian lane. Then an elderly crossed the lane but got bumped by a man in a hurry and all her things got scattered around the floor. Jeongyeon saw it and didn't hesitate to come out from her car and helped the old woman. Jeongyeon handed the things and the elderly smiled and thanked her for her kindness. She smiled back but immediately looked to her side and her eyes got dazzled by a flashing light coming aggressively near her.

Again, something was scattered around the floor - the body of Jeongyeon and her blood.

The driver of the car bumped into a post near where the incident happened.

On the other side, as soon as the phone call ended, Nayeon somewhat surprised that a staff was behind her.

"Hello, Ma'am. Good evening. Do you have any last order? We're closing soon.", The guy asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just waiting for someone. She'll be here in a minute. Don't worry, we will buy later when she arrives."

"Okay, Ma'am."

"Wait .."

The guy turned back to Nayeon.

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"Have we met before? I'm sorry but you look familiar."

"I don't think so, Ma'am. But of course, I know you."

"Oh, I'm sorry.", Nayeon said.

The guy bowed and went back to his spot.

9:30pm passed already, Nayeon was still clueless to what happened.

'She must be here by now. Is it traffic? It's getting late. The store will close in less than 30 minutes.', Nayeon wondered.

9:35pm ..

9:40pm ..

9:45pm ..

'Jeongyeon, where are you? I miss you. Hurry up ..', she was talking to herself.

Nayeon was patiently waiting for Jeongyeon when someone called.

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