Getaway driver •Jake Kiszka•

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decided to switch it up in this one! its loosely based on one of my favorite films, baby driver (dir. by edgar wright) hope u guys enjoy!!

The three of you sprint out of the bank, masks on your faces and bags filled with cash. You reach the car after what feels like an eternity. As if it's choreographed all of you shut your doors in sync, signaling your driver that it's go time. He revs his engine and drives off, going fast, as always. He dodges police, makes incredible turns and eventually escapes anyone that was following you. You reach the garage your other two cars are parked in. Your two partners hop in one car and you hop in the other with the mystery driver, as planned.

Well, mystery is a big word, but you really didn't know anything about him. He never talks, always wears sunglasses and always has earbuds in. "Can I ask you something?" You don't even hesitate, still high on adrenaline. He grins and swiftly looks your way. "Shoot." He answers. "What's with the earbuds? I mean I get the sunglasses, but why earbuds?" You ask, looking at him expectantly. "Do you even know how many times I've driven you to and from a crime scene?" He scoffs. "13 times as of now. I keep track, I'm not in this for the long run. I gotta pay off my debt and then Doc will let me go." You smugly smile, knowing he didn't expect that.

"Well, looks like we're in the same boat then. But I want to ask you something first. Your name? Like, actual name." He looks at you and you laugh. "My name is Christine." He smiles. "Well, I was in a car accident when I was little. The loud crash damaged my ears and gave me tinnitus. I listen to music to drown out the beeping. Oh, and my actual name is Jake, by the way." Wow, he actually talks. Who would've thought.

The other guys in the crew suck, they're purely in it for the money and crime. You were different, and now you know Jake is too. "So, what'd you do to piss off Doc?" He asks, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "I accidentally broke one of his cars, don't even ask how. Anyway, according to him the sentimental value was worth more than any sum of money, but I managed to haggle a bit and now I just have to pay off one more job. Hopefully that'll be the end of my ride as a criminal." He laughs. "What?" You ask confusedly. "That's pretty much what happened to me too. But when I thought I was all payed up, he still called me for jobs. I know it's not ethically right and all, but for me it's quick and easy money, and I got someone to care for at home."

Oh, he has someone. Probably a relationship. Bummer....

"What?" He asks. Well, I'm in a fearless mood today so why not. "Are you in a relationship?" You bluntly ask. He laughs and looks at you. "No, I'm not. The person I'm caring for is my foster dad, he's getting old." You smile, realizing how stupid your assumption was. "Why'd you wanna know?" He asks, then humming along to whatever song he's listening to in his single earbud. "Marvin Gaye?" You ask knowingly. He nods and laughs. "And, I wanted to know because you seem like an interesting guy, and it's hard to overlook the fact that you're actually really handsome. So, um yeah."

As you finish your sentence you finally pull up to the warehouse. "Let's check in with Doc and we'll go for pizza after, yeah?" He winks at you, exiting the car. You're about to hop out yourself when he opens the door for you. "Come on, can't leave the big boss man waiting for too long." He whispers with a smirk.

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