Drumming lessons •Danny Wagner•

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It was a Friday afternoon and you just got out of school. You pushed the heavy doors open and walked towards the parking lot, where you saw Danny waiting for you on the hood of his car. "Danny!" You called out, your face growing a big smile. You ran up to him with open arms, his strong ones engulfing you in a hug. "Hey baby, I missed you." He smiled at you and gave you a peck on the lips.

"Yours or mine?" He asked as he ignited the engine. "Yours, you promised me some drum lessons!" He nodded and pulled out of his parking spot. He grabbed your hand as you used your other hand to turn in the radio. "Hey, The Beatles!" He said as he heard the start of Here Comes The Sun. You hummed the song along with Danny, you loved seeing his face light up whenever he heard The Beatles.

His eyes were focused on the road as you looked at him. "What'd I do to deserve you?" You asked him. He just smiled and said "I could ask you the same thing." You two jammed out to some more music, finally reaching your destination, Dannys house.

"Where are the boys?" You asked as you hopped out of the car. "I think they're at home, Jake has the flu or something. We could stop by later?" You liked his idea and nodded. "Let's do that, but first I wanna learn how to play the drums!"

You entered the house, turning on the light. "No one's home?" You asked as you walked into the kitchen. You knew this place like the back of your hand. "Nope, mom and dad are both out of town and Josie is at a friends house." You smiled. "Then let's make some noise with those drums!"

You walked to Dannys music room, where he kept a few guitars and his drum kit, of course. You grabbed a pair of sticks and immediately sat yourself down on the stool behind the drums. "How do I do this?" You asked. Danny laughed at your eagerness, just entering the room with two glasses of soda. "I'll sit behind you to help."

He put another stool behind the one you were sitting on and sat down on it. He was hugging you from behind as he nuzzled his face into your neck. You smiled as he put his arms around your waist. "I'd love to sit like this a little longer, but I wanna learn!" Danny laughed and sighed. "Let's do this then!"

He took the sticks from your hands and started playing a simple rhythm. "So you tap this one four times, like this." He tapped the drum lightly with the drumstick in his left hand. "And then on the second tap you add this." He showed you the ropes, and you picked it up quite fast. "You're a natural." He said with a smile as he played with your hair while you were practicing.

You drummed the afternoon away, laughing and sharing some sweet kisses. "Thank you Danny, you're an angel." You said as you went outside to hop into his car. "Anything for you baby." You sighed a content sigh as he drove you home under the beautiful orange glow of the setting sun.

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