Under the mistletoe •Josh Kiszka•

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It was the night before Christmas, and I felt the need to explore the outdoors. Not that it wasn't nice to catch up with my family after touring for months, I've just always loved the hills behind my house, especially in the winter. The bright white snow particles descended onto the already thick white layer on the ground. The snow crunched underneath my feet, immediately wetting my shoes. These definitely weren't made for this weather. I couldn't be bothered to go back and put on other shoes, as these were already soaked.

I walked to the top of the hill, gazing over to the other side. I saw the lights of the small town glistening beneath me, which made me feel happy. There was just something about Christmas that I loved. Mainly the part of being together with family, and reminiscing over our past. I took the pack of Marlboro's out of my pocket, and inserted one of the cigarettes in between my lips. I patted my pockets, to no avail. "Shit", I whispered. Of course I forgot my lighter.

All of a sudden I heard footsteps, coming towards me. "What did that snow ever do to you?", a voice asked. I looked up to where the voice came from, and was met with a small girl grinning at me. "What do you mean?", I asked. "You cursed at it, or am I wrong?" Then it hit me, she'd heard me saying shit. "Ah, that. The snow didn't do anything to me, I'm just an idiot. I forgot my lighter." The girl came closer to me, her hand disappearing into her pocket. "Here, I have one." She stood in front of me and cupped her hand slightly around the cigarette, still dangling in the corner of my mouth. She lit it with ease, allowed me to take a drag and then gently took it out of my hand to take one herself. "Why, thank you m'am", I said with a small grin. She handed me back the cigarette.

"Why aren't you inside, celebrating with friends and family?", she asked, genuinely interested in what answer I had to offer. "Well, I was. I just needed some air, the smell of snow and the nice view of this little town." She took another drag after taking the cigarette from me once again, before handing it back to me. She put out her hand, which I took. "My name is Cecile.", she said with a small smile. "Hello Cecile, I'm Joshua, but you may call me Josh.", I said with a wink. She giggled, as her eyes averted to the ground. "Let me ask you the same thing. Why aren't you celebrating with friends and family?", I asked her. Her eyes met mine once again, staring in to them like she was looking for something.

She ignored my question and asked me something again. "Do you have a girlfriend, Josh?" "Nope, why?", I asked her. I saw her long, slender arm raise up. As I went to look why, I saw it. She was holding a mistletoe in between the tips of her fingers. "Well, I wouldn't want to ruin a relationship because of a kiss under the mistletoe." "You're a clever one, aren't you Cecile?", I asked. I flicked my cigarette away, immediately hearing it sizzling because of the contact it made with the snow. "I'd like to think so, yeah.", she answered with a smug look on her face. "Come here then.", I said. She came even closer to me, still holding up the mistletoe. I cupped her cold, rosy cheeks with my hands, and pressed my lips onto hers. I hear the church bells ring, twelve times in total. Our kiss lasted through all of the twelve rings. It was officially Christmas. "Merry Christmas Cecile." "Merry Christmas Josh."

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