Chapter 10: No Escape?

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     Twigs crunch beneath my feet as I cautiously walk throughout the forest.   I had gone back to the place they found Wyck in search of some clue, but to no avail.  I hang my head in disappointment, kicking leaves in all directions.

     Deep green trees dance across the ground, casting shadows around me.  The midday sun beats on the tree canopy above causing a sweltering heat.  Sweat drenches my clothes, sticking them to my skin.  The moist air catches my lungs, making my journey more uncomfortable.  Not too far away, I can make out a break in the treeline, back to the Glade.

     I rush towards it, desperate to escape the sun. The burning heat doesn't make running any easier, but I push on, sprinting towards it.

     Finally... A cool breeze greets me as I plop to the ground, the soft grass prickling my fingers.   I heave in large breaths of relief while wiping pools of sweat off my face.

     The Glade looks just as lively as ever, regardless of recent events.  Track-hoes playfully chatter amongst themselves over to the North, trailing over to the canteen for a well-deserved lunch.  Over to the south-east, the piercing squeals of pigs can be heard over the sound of hammering by the builders near-by.  I glance towards the map room, shifting my gaze to the wreck of a building.

     To my surprise, Newt, Alby, and another Glader lurch by the door, which is strange considering Newt should still be running at midday.  I push myself up from the ground, shifting within earshot of the map room, resting myself against the wall farthest from the door.  

"We can't let the others know, under any circumstances!"

     I can make out Alby's stern voice, riddled with authority. 

     "They deserve to know!"  The other voice shouts, evidently agitated.  Alby shifts his gaze towards him, "No!  Not a word of this, to any of the others!"  

     "Alrigh'..."  Newt blurts out, "...I'll tell the other runners, but don't be blaming me if this goes pear-shaped."  With that, Alby and Newt saunter towards the homestead, Newt hanging his head a little.  The other guy tags along behind them, I vaguely recall Frypan saying his name was Nick or something like that.

     Questions surge through me at his strange statement, 'We can't let the others know.'  I creep around to the front of the shack, being careful as not to draw attention.  

     I tilt my head back and forth, before looking at the map room.  A thatched roof sits upon the top, looming over the rest of the structure.  The door seems quite sturdy compared to the rest of it, with oaken branches stretching across it, strengthening the door.  Across  the top of the entrance are some words scrawled deeply into the wood, 'Do not enter, runners only.'

     I twist around to leave, but an ache in my mind wants to know what lies behind that door.  I bit my lower lip in hesitation, pondering the idea of going in.  Technically, I was a runner, sort of...  Before I can resist, I push open the door, entering the map room.

     A swarm of emotions fill me; shock, confusion, but mostly awe.  Delicate sticks intertwine into a massive reconstruction of the Maze.  Pathways wind in and out, replicating the exact layout.  Furthest to the edge, the walls thin out, with stones marked one to eight around the edges. 

     What shocks me the most is not the reconstruction, but the fact that it's been completed, the entire Maze, mapped out, with no escape.  The whole map is a massive circle, nothing but an endless cycle of twisting walls.

"What are you doing?!"

     My eyes deeply widen as I stand, frozen in place, Minho's voice ringing through my ears.  I turn to see him standing right at the door, his hands resting on his hips, making him seem more intimidating.  

     "Uh..I..."  I stutter, trying to say something, but no words come out.  He immediately breaks his stare, softening his face, a sly expression riddling it, "I'm kidding, chill.  Seriously though, why are you in here?"

     "Well I...uh..overheard Alby saying something secretive, but I didn't realize it was this big."  I respond, pointing to the map, quickly diverting the topic away from me breaking in.  Minho casts his eyes over towards it, "Just finished it today, some of the runners took it pretty hard."

     I softly trace my fingers around the edge of it, running my hand along the outer section.  "Why's Alby being so secretive?  Don't they all deserve to know that there's no escape?"  I state, furrowing my brow.

     "Now you sound like that slinthead, Nick.  Look, I don't make the rules, only follow them, more than I can say for you."  Minho remarks, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. 

     Cocking my head to the side, I reply, "Very funny, Minho, but doesn't everyone deserve to know that there's no escape?"  Minho runs his hand through his silky hair, "Telling those bunch of slintheads is only gonna make things worse, trust me."

     "Fine..." I state, "...but theoretically if everyone did find out, what do you think would happen?"  Minho rolls his eyes, knocking his head back, "Enough of the questions already.  I'm a runner, not a prophet."

     I huff in annoyance, heading towards the door.  "You should get back to work before you break another rule, doing your part and all."  

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