Chapter 40: Outside the Maze

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     Chaos ensues as the creature charges toward us. Gladers desperately trample each other, fleeing from the Griever. Another Glader shoves against my shoulder, slamming me against the ground. The cold chill of the concrete radiates against my face. For a split second, time seems to slow as panicked shouts echo back and forth. The Griever shifts into my focus as it crawls closer.

     Adrenaline sets in; my heart races furiously as if beating out of my chest. My legs force me to stand as I scramble forwards, briefly turning my head back. Maximus lies on the ground behind me, unable to get up beneath the trampling crowd.  Taking a deep breath, I retreat back through the group. My hand firmly grips his shoulder. Planting my feet on the ground, I tug my arms back, dragging him off the concrete.

     The monster draws nearer, closer now than before. Max scampers forwards. I race as fast as my legs carry me, flying through the crowd. The corridor narrows, forcing us down one path. I collide with the person in front of me - stopping along with the rest of the group. Another Griever lurks at the other end of the tunnel, blocking the exit.

     Everyone stands still, unsure where to go. The Grievers creep back and forth, staring intently at us. Their pronged tails sweep through the air.  Both of the creatures circle the group, pacing around us.

     Suddenly, one of the Grievers dives towards me - its limbs outstretched. I dodge to the side, simultaneously pushing the Glader beside me away from its grasp but to no avail. It pounces on me. Drool from its gaping mouth dribbles onto me; the Griever's ferocious teeth chitter together, preparing to strike. Its pronged tail stabs into the ground beside me, barely missing my head as it collides with the crumbling concrete.

     Fear pulsates through my body, vibrating to my core. My eyes stare up at the creature as if awaiting my doom. The pronged tail recoils, preparing to shoot down again and impale me. Time slows as the Griever screams - its saliva dripping over my head. The weapon sweeps through the air, this time pointed directly at my face.

     Instantly, a metal spear breaks through its skin, stabbing through the Griever's head. The blade twists before disappearing back through the open wound. Green slime splatters over me, coating my face.

     The Griever goes limp, falling on top of me. I shove my hands against its corpse in a feeble attempt to move it, but the sheer weight is too much. Arms grip my shoulders, pulling me out from under the beast.

     Scampering to my feet, I push myself off of the ground. Maximus stands beside me; his bloodied spear is held firmly in his hands. Before I can say anything, another squeal echos through the air.

     The other Griever drags Zart from the group. Its spiked limbs impale his flesh; a spray of blood splats against the ground. Zart struggles weakly against the creature. Before anyone can react, the Griever stabs Zart again, twisting its arm through his abdomen. His pained cry rips around us.  Zart's body falls limp, sliding off the creature's limbs. His insides pool around the body, and crimson blood soaks through his torn clothes.

     "Zart!" Gally screams, but it's too late. The Griever turns to us.

     "Hurry!" Teresa shouts, already standing by the open gate.

     Tearing my eyes away from Zart, I dart towards her, followed by the rest of the Gladers. Under the stone gate, an electric keypad illuminates the locked metal door.

     "What's the code?" Thomas questions anxiously as the Griever gets closer.

     "Seven, one, five, two, six," I pause, concentrating on remembering the last numbers, "four, eight...three."

     As she frantically presses the buttons, the metal door creaks and begins to swing open.

     "Get inside!" I command, motioning the others to enter. They pour inside, as do I. The door swings shut behind us, locking the Griever outside, and us inside.

     White elongated lights line the long corridor. Concrete walls go on indefinitely down the hall with nothing else in sight. A cold chill blows up from the end of the way, prickling my arms.

     As we walk down the corridor, a sick sensation turns my stomach. Even though the Grievers are locked outside, a terrible fear lurks within my bones. My heart still races as though I was fighting or running, but I'm not. My head spins and aches while thoughts of Zart run through my mind. With no other sound to focus on, I can't push the bloody images out of my head.  The worry I had of Alby escaping from the Glade now seems small in comparison.

     "You okay?" Max's voice disturbs the silence.

     I shrug uncomfortably. "Yeah, just a bit shaken up. I'll be alright," I pause before continuing, "how's everyone else?"

     "Scared." Max's eyes move from person to person. "Gally will be takin' it pretty hard; Zart and him were close like that."

     "They all will. Most of the Gladers here have never even seen a Griever until a few days ago."

     "Yeah," Max mumbles.

     "Thanks for helping me earlier - with the Griever - I didn't think I was going to make it."

     Max scratches his head. "Yeah, no problem. Pity I couldn't save Zart too. I mean, I never liked him much, always made me do the weeds and that, but I didn't want that to happen to him."

     "Look, up ahead!" a voice ricochets off the wall.

     At the end of the corridor, a metal door slides open as we approach. The Gladers bustle through - revived with new enthusiasm. Entering the room, I take in my surroundings.

     Blue lights flicker around the walls. The room is shaped like a rectangle, with massive windows covering most of the walls. Sandy dunes lie waiting outside the windows - swept to and fro by strong winds. The Gladers stare out of them in awe - as do I. Teresa, however, ignores the view and heads straight for one of the computers.

     "That's not right," she comments, typing furiously on the keyboard.

     "What's not right?" I snap.

     Teresa glares up at me, un-phased by my words. "He's supposed to be here already."

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