Chapter 45: Taken

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     The door squeaks and grinds as I crank it open. Alby hides behind Gally, his eyes darting back and forth between Newt and me. The revolver hidden under my belt calls for use, but I resist. With Alby cowering behind Gally, my already untrained aim would be askew.

     The door rocks from side to side, creaking on its hinges; a gust of sand blows through it. Scorching sunlight beams off the desert that stretch onto the horizon.  

     Gally snarls, "You ain't--"

     "Shut it!"  Alby hobbles to the door, his knife rubbing against Gally's neck. Fear twists my stomach, burning through my skin. My heartbeat echoes in my head. I bite down the urge to run after him - to do something. My mind urges me to grab the gun, but I refuse. It takes everything in me, but I can't risk shooting Gally - I won't.

     Newt stares at Alby, his eyes filled with hate but mostly pain. He stands blankly by the door.

     "Wait!" I shout just as Alby is about to leave. "Leave Gally here - you don't need him anymore."

     "He stays with me," Alby retorts, his words muffled.

     Gally's fists clench, and his jaw tenses, but he says nothing. Alby takes his first step into the desert. He whispers something indecipherable to Gally. After a few seconds, Gally kicks over the door, swinging it closed.

     The clang ricochets off the walls, ringing down the hall. Garbled voices grow louder and louder from the other side of the corridor. Footsteps bang against the metal floor. Thomas' voice comes into focus. "This must be the way out."

     As I turn around, a group of Gladers approaches, led by Thomas. Jeff, Max and Teresa follow after him along with the rest of the Gladers.

     "Hey, guys, did you find the--" his words disappear as he comes closer. His eyes widen in horror as they land on Newt, then me.

     "He killed Minho," Newt blurts out, choking back a sob.

     Thomas creases his brow, and his mouth drops open. "What?"

     Jeff pushes past Thomas, rushing over to Minho.

     "It's too late, Jeff," the words fall loosely from my mouth. "Minho's gone - Alby killed him. He took--" I pause before continuing, "he took Gally."

     "Took him?" Max snaps, a hint of anger laced in his words. He gnaws at his lower lip, revealing a missing canine tooth. "Took 'im where?"

     "Outside," I murmur, "Into the desert."

     Newt's gaze drops to Minho's lifeless corpse. A tear drops down his face before his hand speedily wipes it away. "We can't let him kill Gally," his voice strains as he speaks, still raw from crying.

     "I won't," I state firmly, pulling the gun out of my belt. "I'm going after him."

     Thomas' face drops in shock. "Do you know how to use that?"

     "I think so," I comment, "you just pull the trigger...if I remember right. If I follow them, maybe Alby'll let his guard down, step away from Gally, but I'll have to be close to him, very close - I don't trust my aim with this thing."

     "You're not going on you're own!" Maximus interjects, his cockney accent shining through more than usual. "I'm coming with you. I'll be givin' that slinthead a proper piece of my mind!" He cracks his knuckles in succession.

     "No, Max, there's no point. My best chance is to sneak up on him; the more people with me, the more likely it is Alby will spot us." I place the revolver inside my belt, under my shirt. "It's better if--"

     A loud whirring interrupts me from outside the door. The buzz of some kind of vehicle sounds around us; the door hinges rattle from vibrations through the ground. Garbled voices shout outside, but they mix, making it impossible to hear what they say.

     Two Gladers rush over to the door, dragging it open with their arms. Heaps of sand flood through the door as it swings open. Blinding lights flash through the opening and onto us. I blink firmly; blotches line my vision.

     Three helicopters idle outside the door, their spinning blades spraying sand around it. Armed men in black gear circle around us. A few of them sprint over to the door.

     "Come on, we're going to get you out of here." One of the men steps closer, his face hidden behind a black mask. "We need to hurry - the cranks are going to show up any minute."

     "Who are you?" Thomas questions.

     "I don't have time to explain," the man exclaims, "The people who put you guys here are coming back. We killed most of them, but they will be back."

     None of the Gladers moves. The man waits for a moment. He pulls his mask up, revealing his face. His stubble makes him appear older, maybe in his thirties. The man's piercing green eyes glare at us. "I know you don't trust me; I don't expect you to. Look around - there's nothing else here, nowhere for you to go. If you stay, those people will be back, they will kill all of you. If you want out of here, you need to come with us, now!"

     The rest of the men usher the Gladers out of the hall, leading them to helicopters. Newt lingers in the corridor, his eyes fixed on Minho. I rush over to him.

     "We can't just leave him here!" he snaps.

     "I know, but there's no time," I answer in a soft voice. "Minho would want you to survive, I know he would."

     Newt shrugs, turning his gaze to me. I reach out, gripping his slumped shoulder.

     "Come on," I whisper.  Guiding him out the door, I lead Newt to one of the helicopters. The men follow close behind us.

     "Hurry, we're leaving!" one of them shouts.

     One by one, everyone loads up. First Chuck, then Jeff and Thomas. I scan the crowd for Teresa, but my view is blocked by the others. Newt boards the vehicle, sitting beside Thomas. Soon, only I'm left outside the helicopters.

     "Come on!" Thomas motions toward me.

    "I'm--" Something swells inside me, an emotion I can't place: sadness, fear, maybe both. It grips my chest, making my breathing heavy. I stare back at Thomas - urging me to come, then at Newt - wiping his bloodied hands desperately against his trousers. Chuck huddles beside Thomas, fear and relief both evident on his face. Jeff smiles warmly at me, ignoring the chaos all around him. A lump rises in my throat, and tears prick at my eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. "I'm not coming with you."

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