Chapter 7: An Unexpected Expedition

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     Stumbling across the Glade, I spot Minho, stretching out beside the East gate, not too far from me. A sly smirk rises from the corners of his mouth, causing me to fear the worst. After he called, I assumed I was needed for some trivial matter, but not anymore. I can already feel the swelling of an intense dread bubbling inside of me. As I approach, I am drawn to a leather satchel resting on the ground beside him.

"Sup Greenbean? Ready for some exercise?"

     Minho's words sink deep into my mind. Exercise.  Bewildered, I stand in confusion, croaking out a response, "Wh--what do you mean?" My mind races with possible answers, anticipating his every word.  

     "Running, Greenie. You're with me today." Minho replies, running his hand through his sleek black hair.

     Questions bustle throughout my brain at the thought of running through the maze. Surprised, I answer, "But I'm not a runner!"  

     Grabbing the satchel by his feet, he responds, "Yeah well, Newt's sick and someone has to take his place. Everyone else is too much of a slinthead to go in the maze, which leaves you, shank."

     Curiosity gets the better of me, as I continue, "Newt's a gardener, not a runner!"  

     Without hesitation, Minho abruptly tosses the bag at me, "It's not like he can't have more than one job. Now, are you coming or what?"

     Before I can object, Minho begins jogging into the Maze. Dragging one foot in front of the other, I approach the entrance. 

     A dark shadow falls over the gray stone walls, towering overhead. Thick vines delve into the grooves ruptured throughout the rock, giving it an almost eerie appearance. The walls twist and wind down in a maze of confusion. Peering through, I soon see Minho, pacing himself as he runs further into the maze. Eager to catch up, I race after him.

     Plunging further into the maze, we run for what feels like hours, "So...uh...what exactly am I...meant doing?" Pain rips throughout my legs with every step I take. Sweat begins to pour off my head, each breath feeling heavier than the last. "Running." Minho replies, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

     A part of me wants to laugh, but the ache of my muscles prevents me from doing so. Recomposing myself, I ask again, "Se...seriously." Slowing to a halt, Minho stops at a wall seemingly identical to the last, "We map it, Greenbean. Every turn, every wall, we memorize it.  Here."  

     Stopping to a halt, Minho grabs his satchel and starts looking through it, pulling out a scruffy notepad and pencil, "Take this, map out where you go, that way you won't get lost.  Meet back here in about an hour."

        With that Minho runs on, deeper into the maze.  Pain flares up in my legs, causing me to jog at a slower pace than before.  Every wall looks just like the last one.  A burning ache shoots up from my ankles, only increasing my agony.  Turning my jog into a walk, I push my back against the stone wall, relieving myself.  

     The sound of loud clanking ripples throughout the maze, followed by a high-pitched screeching.  Adrenalin bursts throughout my body, sending a chill of panic in me.  The frightening cry bounces from wall to wall, making it impossible to tell how close the source is.

     Before I can move, a horrific creature crawls across the walls, into the same passage as me.  Metal limbs reach out from its body, shredding anything in its path.  Its body resembles that of a spider as it subtly creeps around the wall.  

     I try to move, pushing every muscle in my body.  My efforts only worsen the situation as I trip backwards, landing on the ground.  Immediately, the creature turns its gaze towards me.  Ripping the vines from off the stone, it starts sprinting after me.  

     Scrambling to my feet, I run as fast as my feet will carry me.  Sprinting from wall to wall, it almost feels like an endless cycle.  I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, every beat like it might be my last. 

     The thumping of the metal against stone seems to be getting closer and closer.  Each turn I take could be luring me further into the maze, but I don't have a choice.  

     "This way!"

     Minho appears from behind, overtaking me immediately.  Tightly gripping my arm, he pushes me in front of him.  The Gate.  Up ahead I can see the Gate, getting closer with every passing second.  Suddenly, the Gate starts moving, closing.  The grinding of stone only fills me with more adrenaline.  So close...

     Every step feels like an eternity as if time is standing still.  We can't be more than ten feet away, the doors almost sealed shut.  With every ounce of energy, I have left, I dash towards the doors, Minho close behind me.

     With one final stride, I run into the Glade as the doors slam shut behind us.  I glance at Minho, before collapsing to a heap on the ground.  Blood rushes to my cheeks as pain rips throughout my body.  An immense feeling of relief washes over me, as a distorted voice echoes through my brain, but I can't make out the words.   


     Minho's voice sharpens into focus, "Did you hear me?  No-one's ever done that!"  

     "Done what?"  I reply groggily, still exhausted.  The dusk light sets over Minho's face as he leans his back against the Gate, "Seen a Griever without gettin' stung."  His reply only confuses me further.  "Getting stung?"  I ask, still panting for breath.  

     Minho grabs a water bottle from his satchel before responding, "Yeah, stung.  Makes shanks go crazy and all that."  After taking a swig, he passes the bottle to me.  Taking it, I ask another question, "Who got stung?"  

     Pushing himself off the wall, he slops himself down beside me, "Justin, Alfred, George...  Look Greenbean, you're missing the point, we just..."  I immediately interject him before he can continue, "George?"  He rolls his eyes in annoyance and answers,  "You're hopeless."

     Passing my eyes across the Glade, I spot Alby and a crowd of Gladers running over towards us.  My guess is that someone saw my 'daring escape' and told everyone.  Here goes nothing.       

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