*Sorries (Germany)

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(This is long sorry!!)

I talk before I Think

I say some crazy things

I have foot in mouth disease

"Vell if jou trained more _____ you vouldn't be kidnapped and I vouldn't have to save jou!" Ludwig snapped. "I have a life too it doesn't revolve around jou Frau!"

"You don't have to be so stern all the time! Let your hair down, wear some color other than green! You're so mean! I- I hate you!" You yelled. "You don't understand!" With that, you stormed out the door to Feli and Lovi's house.

And there may never be a cure for me

And I laugh when I wanna cry

I hide behind a smile

"Vow, that vas jour vorst fight yet Vest!" Gilbert said as he entered the room with Gilbird on his head shaking. "Jou scared Gilbird. Shhh...its OK miene liebling. . ." He cooed to the yellow bird.

Ludwig sighed and walked over to the couch. The German sat down and chuckled. "I know. . ."

"Vest, don't pull that on me. Jou can cry. Even the awesome me cries! Especially after a fight like that with jour Frau!" Gilbert said, putting a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Even though I agree vith jou, jou can't yell at her. I mean, the Allies kidnap practically everyone! I think they have a fetish. . ." The albino said in deep thought.

"Ja. . ." Ludwig mumbled.

"Jou need to go to her Vest." Gilbert walked into the kitchen. "I'll make beer for vhen jou two come back! Ve could have and awesome party!"

"Ja, I suppose jou're right. And it pains me to say it. . ."

"Hey! I'm jour awesome older bruder! Of course I'm right!"

But I really do mean well

Even though it may be hard to tell

"Vhat am I gonna do?! Think Ludvig!" Ludwig paced around in his room, he wanted to apologize but didn't know how. The it came to him! "I know! But am I really going to sacrifice my shame for _____?" He thought some more. "Vhy am I thinking about this! Of course I am!!"

Ludwig ran to his closet and knew exactly what he was looking for.

The red, blue, and yellow sweater you got him for Christmas last year that he didn't wear yet out of embarrassment.

He took one look at it and blushed. "Am I really going to do this?"

He clenched his teeth. "Ja, I am. . ."

He put on the sweater, combed his hair and washed out the gel.

"But vill this be enough?" He asked himself. Then he saw it.

The diamond ring that he was going to give you today, still sitting there on his dresser.

He picked up the pink-wrapped box. Ludwig grabbed a pen and wrote 'Train With Me' in cursive, took one look at himself in the mirror, sighed, and ran out his room door.

Now all he had to do was avoid his brother's teasing words!

And I know that there will come a day

When you wish that I was more than this

And as hard as I've been trying to change

You can be sure that I know

Sure that I know

He stopped at the Italian Brother's door and gulped.

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