Jealous Feelings (2p Romano)

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He hated seeing you and him together. It made him sick to his fabulous stomach. What did his fratello have that he didn't? 

Flavio Vargas always had a smile on his face, well almost always. He refused to smile when he saw you and Luciano together. The cheery Italian never got jealous of his boring cranky brother, but you stole his heart and he can't get it back. 

He always asked himself why you would hang out with Luciano. It was the strangest thing. He wasn't nice, and he definitely wasn't the best company. The fashion-loving Italian didn't get it. He even started spying and evesdropping on your conversations with his brother. 

Flavio stealthily followed you around the mall. Now he was really angry. "Why~a would she bring~a him to the mall~a? I'm~a the fashion expert~a!" He hissed. 

"Hey Luci, what about this?" You asked him and held up a (f/c) shirt that complemented your (e/c) eyes. 

"Why the hell-a should I-a care?" He crunted and rolled his  crimson eyes. 

You rolled your eyes playfully in response. "You know why~ C'mon Luci! Smile and act like you actually care a little?"

He gave you a half-assed smile. "Like-a this?"

"It's progress." You nodded. "Okay back to the shirt? what do you think?" 

"It looks like-a shit ragazza. But-a on you-a it's not so-a bad." He shrugged. 

You didn't know if that was a compliment. "Thanks I think. . ?"

"Whatever." He had an adorable blush on his face. 

"Now to go shopping for you~!" You giggled and grabbed his hand. 

"No. I did not-a sign up-a for this-a!" His blush darkened. 

"Remember I said I'd help you impress Lu---mmmmphh!" Luciano slapped his hand over your mouth. 

"Don't-a say it. We're-a not alone-a." He looked around, eyes narrowed. Luciano focused on the rack of clother Flavio was hiding behind and grinned. "Ciao, Fratello."

Your eyes widened. Has Flavio been here this whole time? Yes Flavio. The boy whom you've had the biggest crush on. Luciano knew it too. And you knew he would try something. 

"Ciao~! Looks like you~a caught me~a red handed~!" Flavio stepped out from behind the rack of clothes with a giggle. His cute little blonde curl bounced as he walked over to you and Luci. 

Luciano pulled you in closer and smirked. "If-a you don't-a tell him. I-a will~" You felt his hot breath and it sent a shiver up your spine. "Ti amo bella~" With that, he walked over to his brother. "Lucky bastardo."

You blushed and your ears burned with embarrassment. Since when did Luciano like you?

"Bella." Flavio smiled. "I have to~a tell you~a something." 

"Me too."

"Well what I'm~a trying to~a say is..." He's never been this flustered. Surprisingly, Flavio has never had a girlfriend before even though he flirts with every girl. A relationship has never been in his best interest. 

Atleast, that is, until he met you. 


Flavio winked as ladies passed him by. It was his usual routine and he never really thought much about it. 

They would all swoon and many would give him their numbers saying things like 'call me~ <3' and 'I'm free on Sunday~' but he didn't really care. 

"Hey Flavio~" One of them winked and he winked back with a smirk. 

"Hi gorgeous~"

She fainted to the floor. It was cliche and he knew it but that's how he'd always lived his life.   

Then he caught glimse of a (h/c) haired girl working at the cash register of his favorite store. She had the brightest (e/c) eyes and the brightest smile as she talked to another girl.

Flavio smirked, licked his lips, and grabbed a diamond encrusted scarf. The Italian then proceeded to the cash register. 

He cleared his throat and the mysterious (h/c) haired girl looked at him. 

"Hello. Do you wish to check out?" You asked. It was store policy. 

"Yes. Ciao bella. What's~a your name beautiful~?" Flavio asked. 

"I don't tell my name to strangers." You blushed and scolded yourself internally. "Will this be all?"

"Yes. Awe c'mon~ You won't~a tell me?" He grinned and winked.

"Is there something wrong with your eye sir? There's eye products in isle 9." You scanned the item and took the safety tag off it. 

"What? No." He said quickly, confused that his charms were't working on you. "And~a please call me~a Flavio~"

"Okay ... Cash or credit Flavio?"

He liked the way his name rolled off your tonge. It was like a sweet melody. 

"Credit, beautiful~" He handed you his card and you charged it then handed it back. 

"Stop calling me that. Fine. I'll tell you my name!" You rolled your eyes. "It's _____."

_____. He liked that. "Such a pretty name~a for such a pretty girl~"

With one last eye roll you bagged his scarf and handed it to him. "Have a nice day."

"Can I~a get your~a number~?" He asked with another wink. 

You sighed and wrote it on the back of your recipt. 

He looked at it and it read: 

_____: 8675-309 Or Not gonna happen. 


"I love you!" You both said at the same time. 

Your face was bright red. "Oh, s-sorry." You stuttered. 

"_____. You're~a the only girl~a that I've~a ever felt this way~a for before. Ever since I met~a you." He said, looking into your eyes. 

You looked around, embarrassed because you were still in the store. Flavio realized it too and grabbed you bridal style. He ran out of the mall. As soon as you were away from the public's eye he crashed his lips on to yours. 

You were surprised but melted into the kiss. You felt a spark and your whole body was hot. And of course your face was red. 

When you broke apart he was a grinning mess but it soon fell into a frown. "Hey. What~a were you doing with~a mi fratello?" He asked. 

"Oh! I was picking out clothes. I needed his advice because he knew you the best. I tried to ask Andres (2p Spain), but he told me to fuck off." You smile sheepishly. "I wanted to impress you with  my fashion sense but Luciano didn't give a rat's ass." You didn't really care for fashion/ you loved fashion. (Choose the one that works for you!). 

"Oh." He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"You were jealous weren't you~?" You teased. 

"N-no!" He stuttered. 

"Oh you totally were~!" 

"N-no way!" 


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