*Ghosts (Dead!Hetalia) {Part 2}

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Face to face

Gone insane, gone insane

No escape, no escape

You felt breath on your face and shut your eyes tighter. Maybe if I pretend it's not there it'll go away... You thought, trying so hard to control your breathing. Suddenly, your arm was grabbed and you were dragged. Still not opening your eyes, you tried your best to squirm away but their grasp was too strong.

"L-let go..!" You stuttered.

Whatever had your wrist suddenly stopped dragging you. "You can open your eyes now..." It was a boy, you could tell from the voice alone.

You shook your head rapidly. "N-no..! No, no, no!"

The breathing stopped. You cracked one of your eyes open slightly. Out of surprise, both widened as you stared into dull and lifeless blue eyes. This can't be! I must be insane! Yes that's it, I've simply gone crazy! You thought in worry.

The boy in front of you was about your age. He had blonde hair and a cowlick that basically defied all laws of gravity. His eyes were the brightest blue you had ever seen and yet, they had a certain spark to them that you couldn't quite put your finger on. His entire body was see through and he was dressed in Revolutionary War clothes. Right through his heart was a large bullet wound. The boy's complexion was in grey tones and he had dark bags under his eyes.

Nonetheless, his lips twisted into a smile and his eyes brightened. "You're _____ right?! Beatrice told us all about you!" He exclaimed.

"W-who are you?" You asked quietly.

"Oh! I'm Alfred! That room you went in earlier was mine!" Alfred, as he was called, grabbed your hands and spun you around. "Come on! The others want to meet cha!"

Spinnin 'round

I go dancing with ghosts

Yeah they're after my soul

they go doo, doo, doo, doo,

doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

Alfred kept spinning you around in circles. He laughed loudly and closed his eyes in happiness. "Hahah! I could never do this with poor old Beatrice! Hey you're pretty! Still got a beatin' heart huh? I remember those days."

"B-but you're..--?"

He opened his eyes and cut you off. "I'm dead I know. Well technically I'm a ghost! Don't worry _____. We'll explain more soon. Look! There's the room!" The blonde spirit started running, well, floating, toward the door at full speed.

You closed your eyes and braced for impact. You couldn't go through walls! It never came. Instead, you heard giggling.

"Haha! She thought she was going to smack against the door!" Alfred cackled.

You opened your eyes and nearly fainted. Standing(read: floating) in front of you were ten ghosts. Including Alfred.

One of them came up to you and smiled. He too was dressed in Revolutionary War clothing only he wore a red coat. His hair was blonde and he had bright green eyes. Atop his eyes were thick eye brows. Like Alfred, he had grey skin and eyebags. Right between his eyes was a singe bullet wound. You took a step back and his smile widened. "Do not be afraid _____. My name's Arthur." He bowed. His accent was strong. Definitely British.

Standing beside him was another blonde who had a deep slash wound around his throat. You minced but he smiled as if nothing was wrong. "Bonjour. I am Francis." He winked. Francis too had a strong accent but his was French.

Next to Francis were two others. One had raven hair in a ponytail with amber eyes and a single scar across his cheek. He had many scars all over his arms. "Ni hǎo. I am Wang Yao. You may call me Yao-aru." He too, had a smile on his features. Beside him was a tall platinum blonde haired boy with a long scarf. He had violet eyes and many bullet wounds on his chest. He smiled. "Hello. I'm Ivan."

"H-hello..." A quiet voice came from behind you and you whipped your head around in surprise. "I'm Matthew.." Matthew looked like Alfred, but he had a curl coming out of the hair on his head and purple eyes. Covering his arms were many self harm scars and you immediately knew how he died. He killed himself.

You smiled back. "It's nice to meet you."

You also met Feliciano, who had a bright smile, and his brother who both were stabbed to death in am armed robbery, Ludwig, who was wrongly accused and hung for his crimes, and Gilbert who had bright red eyes and blood coming out of his mouth. It was crusted over but you knew how he died. He was murdered then left. He told you that his body was never found.

The last that introduced himself was Kiku. He had jet black hair and large brown eyes. He was stabbed in the chest with a katana sword. They all explained to you that they all passed in different times but were stuck here in this house. They also told you that your great aunt had taken care of them until she passed and that you would have to so the same.

Feliciano's smile brightened as he ran over to the old grammaphone in the corner of the room and turned it on. He ran back up to you and took your hands in his own cold lifeless ones. "Will you dance with me? I haven't danced in so long. I have forgotten what it felt like."

Feeling like you had no choice, you hesitantly nodded as the tune started to play.

singing now

with invisible hosts

and the gramophone goes

it goes doo, doo, doo, doo,

doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

doo, doo, doo, doo

The Italian ghost sang along and soon you followed his actions as you spun around in his arms. You were having so much fun, that you didn't realize you changed between the others.

You also didn't notice when they whispered together, "We're coming for you..."

Yeah we're coming for you yeah






The last question of the day will be the one for all of these!

hasta la pasta~!

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