Let's Run Away (2p Germany)

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(Again. I don't know his personality very well so this might not be very good. But enjoy none the less! Oh and if you don't live in Germany, pretend you do!)


. . .1939

You were living happily in your small home. You brushed some of your (h/c) hair out of your face and smiled widely. The bright sun was shining and children were out playing in the streets. All seemed like it was going to be the most perfect day. The August breeze blew through your hair as you went outside to check the mail.

You quickly glanced at your neighbor's house and saw that said owner of the house wasn't outside as he usually was. Lutz didn't really have a strict schedule, but he always checked his mail in the morning like you did. It gave you both the opportunity to get to know each other very well.

And you started to develop small feelings for the blonde, so generally you were worried.

Sighing, you grabbed all the mail and went back in your house to sift through it. Bills. Bills. Survey. Nothing really interesting. You were about to put the wad of mail down when something caught your eye.

It was a newspaper. You dug it out of the mail pile and looked at the front page. Your eyes widened.

"Germany declares war on France. Hitler's troops are advancing."

You brought your hand up to your mouth in shock as you continued to read the article.

"The previous day, Germany declared war on Russia. Hitler is advancing. Soon our strong country of Deutchland will be returned to it's original state of power. Hitler will do justice to Germany. So far England, nor America have done anything. With your help, we will conquer all. Join us or perish."

You dropped the newspaper out of pure disbelief. You country had declared war on two countries! And it wasn't world domination! You felt scared and a little angry. Out of the blue you heard a knock on your door.

Was it the SS coming to ask if you were a supporter? You simply couldn't say no. They would kill you! Thoughts running wild, you started to panic. 

Your body started to shake as you turned the doorknob slowly and opened the door with caution. Your (e/c) gaze was met with a lavender one. Your eyes widened slightly. "Lutz..."

He grinned. "Hallo _____. Judging by the look on jour face, jou got the newspaper as vell."

You couldn't do anything but nod.

Lutz looked around before whispering, "May I come in? It's important."

"Y-yeah! Of course!" You nodded and stepped to the side.

"Lock the door." You were a little skeptical, but trusted him none the less and locked it.

"Jou have a car right?"

You nodded. "Yeah. What's this about?"

He turned to face you and smiled widely, grabbing both your hands in your own. "Let's run avay together!"

You felt heat rise to your face. "W-what?"

Lutz's smile never fell, it got wider. "Jou heard me! Let's escape Hitler and run avay! Ve can start a life together!"

If you weren't blushing by now, after that comment you sure were. "U-um..." Did he just confess?

He quickly looked down and blushed. "I uh...um meant...well jou see..."

You smiled. "I love you too."

He grinned. "Thank goodness." Then he turned serious again. "Ve have to hurry. Gather as much suplies as jou can; food, first aid. I'll be right back."

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