Bright Eyes (Lithuania)

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A/N: OMFG I got this request A WHILE ago from someone and I lost it! If you requested this I am so sorry I haven't written this sooner! ENJOY~!



You gasped as you hit the hardwood floor. You could've sworn you heard one of your bones crack. Today just wasn't a good day. Your country of (c/n) had been taken over by Russia; you lost the war and now you were his. Russia wasn't that mean, and he sure as hell didn't mean to slam you on the floor on purpose. He just didn't know his own strangth. There's always two sides to every coin.

Ivan can either be ruthless and cruel, or he can act like a big teddy bear. Sometimes you thought Ivan was lonely so he conquered to make friends that would never leave him. You sucked in a sharp breath as you glared at the Russian personification.

"Don't be like that _____." He smiled and extended his hand. You stared at it skeptically, then took it. He forecfully lifted you off the ground and dusted you off.

"Thanks." You spat bitterly.

"Russia, I finished--- (c/n)?" Lithuania walked in the room wiping his hands with a towel. He froze when he locked his green eyes on your form.

Ivan raised a brow. "You two know each other? Da?" He looked from you, then back to Toris. When Russia wasn't looking, you gazed at Lithuania, he was violently shaking his head 'no'.

You took the hint, "No. We must've met at a meeting a while back." You said, eyeing Toris who seemed to sigh in relief.

"Oh." Ivan grinned. "Toris this is _____! She will be working here for a while! Be nice you two!" He nodded then went upstairs to his room. He had paperwork that needed to be done.

Your (e/c) eyes involuntarily went back to the brunette. You smiled. "Toris."

He shook his head once more and covered your mouth. "Not here _____." He whispered in your ear then looked up the stairs. "Okay. Let's go get you settled (c/n)." He said a little louder with a shaky voice.

Toris grabbed your hand and pulled you into the kitchen. You raised a brow. "What's going on? Where's the Toris I know? The one who always smiled and laughed when we were young?" You questioned.

He shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry _____. I'm happy to see you but... You aren't going to be happy because I changed." Toris looked into your eyes and gave a small smile. "You haven't though. Still have those bright (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair that shines huh?"

You blushed and nodded. "I guess. Why can't we talk like we know each other?" Your blush subsided.

"Because Ivan is always listening. Especially when you're by the stairs. This is the only place we can really talk." He started to wash some of the dishes in the sink. You joined in and started to dry the dishes he washed. He nodded. "Thank you. You know I really missed you _____."

You smiled and gazed into his eyes. "Me too." They were once filled with happiness and light. Now they were dark and showed and emotion similar to misery. You felt bad. His lips were pressed into a fine line as he concentrated on the cup he was washing. You sighed. Oh Toris, what happened? You thought sadly.


It had been about a week since you started working at Russia. You met Latvia, who you instantly liked, and Estonia, who you weren't so sure about. He was quiet, but you didn't think he was mean. Ukraine was one of your closest friends, other than Toris of course, and Belarus scared you. It turned out that she scared everyone.

You stared out the window in the kitchen as you prepared a meal. How can outside be so sunny when it's so dreary in here? You thought with a sigh as you stirred the soup you were making.

"_____? Are you alright? You seem to be staring at nothing." Raivis (Latvia) asked, putting silverware away.

You nodded. "I'm okay. Don't worry."

He smiled. "Hey _____? Do you like Toris?"

"Yeah. We get along very well I think." You nodded once more and continued to stir the soup so that it wouldn't burn.

"I meant love. Do you love him?" Raivis cocked his head to the side, blue eyes filled with curiosity.

You flushed. "W-why would you say that?"

He shrugged. "It's just a guess. I think he loves you too. It's obvious you both know each other very well."

"Oh. Well we have gotten to know each other very well this past week." You said nervously. Did he really feel the same?

The fifteen year old laughed. Well, he looked to be about fifteen. "You don't have to lie. Toris already told me. You really knew each other when you were kids?" He whispered.

Cat's out of the bag now. "Yes. We were childhood friends when we were each new countries. He was my first friend. We both went our separate ways when we got older I guess. He went here and I..." You trailed off.

"Where did you go?" He asked excitedly. Raivis always had an interest in romance. He frequently read novels. This was like a dream come true. "This is like a tragic love story."

You blushed once more and frantically waved your hands around. "I-I don't think...!"

"Raivis. Estonia is looking for you." You turned around and saw Toris. As Latvia was leaving, he winked at Toris who blushed and pushed him out of the kitchen. "_____."

"How long have you been standing there..?" You asked, face getting red once more.

"Basically the whole time. Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "So I guess Raivis told you..."

You nodded. "Do you feel that way?"

"Yes." He said quietly.

"Good. I love you too." You wrapped your arms around him. He was shocked, but hugged back. "Hey Toris?"


"What happened to you? Why won't you smile? Where are your bright eyes? I miss them."

He gave you a wide smile. "You happened to me. When we both left each other I was devastated. Then I was sent here. I was waiting for you."

You grinned and pressed your lips to his. Toris's eyes brightened as he kissed back.

"Ahem." You heard someone clear their throat and wanted to pull away. Toris ignored them and held up his finger in a motion that said 'wait'.

Let's just say you both faced a very angry and confused Russia with confidence.


Sorry he's so OOC I don't know him that well. But nonetheless I think I did a good job!



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❤️Hasta la pasta~!❤️

Hetalia X Reader one shots! (Around the world)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz