*Santa Tell Me (Finland)

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(This is another long one! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERY OTAKU!!!)

Santa, tell me if you're really there

Don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here

Next year

"Has is really been that long since I've seen him?" You asked yourself, smiling at the memory.

Norway, a close friend and ally to your country of (c/n), invited you to his brothers' annual Christmas party.

You went and had a lot of fun hanging out with Lukas and meeting his brothers Mathias, Emil, Berwald, and. . . Tino.

Though it was a brief time you spent together, you two instantly became friends. Well, you became friends with the others but Tino was special.

Like you, he had strong feelings for Christmas, it was both your favorite holiday.

So you began to talk with the personification of Finland and. . .

You fell in love.

Santa, tell me if he really cares

'Cause I can't give it all away if he won't be here

Next year

And now you were doing something that no person, or country your age should do.

Write a letter to Santa.

It sounds stupid, but you wouldn't dare tell anyone else about your 'little' crush on the blonde.

They would all preach it to the world and Tino would know, and he might not feel the same way. . .

So you picked up your pen and wrote a simple little letter to Santa saying:

Dear Santa. I know I'm probably. . . scratch that, definitely too old to be writing to you but I need to know. Santa tell me if you're really there, don't make me fall in love again if he won't be here next year. Santa tell me if he really cares, because I can't give it all away if he won't be here next year. Will Tino be here this year? Yours truly, _____.

Happy with your writing, you sealed the envelope, set in your Santa dress pocket, and walked out the door.

You had recently gotten a text from Alfred saying that you NEEDED to be at his Christmas party this year and that 'it wouldn't be the same without you'.

Smiling as you walked you kept going down the road to Alfred's house. Granted you still needed to get on a plane to America, Washington DC to be precise.


You knocked on the door to Alfred's house and didn't even get a chance to take in the cold, winter air a you were pulled in the party by none other than Mathias Køhler.

"H-hey Mathias, can you let me go?" You asked as he twirled you around to the song 'Let It Snow'.

"No way! Isn't this fun?!" He cheered. "We were all starting to think you wouldn't come!"

You blushed and looked away, making purple eye contact then looking back at the Dane dancing with you.

It's him. . .

Feeling Christmas all around

And I'm tryna' play it cool

But it's hard to focus when I see him walking 'cross the room

"Let It Snow" is blasting out

"Y-yeah. But I think I'm starting to get dizzy!" You giggled.

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