Awkward Silence (Iceland)

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A/N: Again, I can't believe I haven't written one for this cinnamon roll. So here he is by popular demand!

ICE ICE BABY~! (Eh.. sorry had to say that) XD


"(C/n)~!" You turned your head around slowly and made eye contact with your friend, the personification of Denmark. "Hej (c/n)~!"

You nodded in acknowledgement. "Hey Denmark."

He frowned and tilted his head to the side in slight confusion. "What's wrong?"

You raised a brow. "Um...nothing? I'm pretty sure I'm okay."

He narrowed his eyes and felt your forehead. "You're usually up and happy like me~!"

You couldn't help it when a smile graced your features and laughed slightly. "I'm fine Mathias. Really. Don't worry. I've just been...thinking.."

His lips twisted into a large grin and he wiggled his eyebrows. "About Ice."

You blushed and covered his mouth with both your hands. "Shh...! Shush Den!" You couldn't stifle the redness of your face. "And I wasn't thinking about...him."

"Veeh arelg knowf yough lovff hemm.." He mumbled through your hands.

"Those aren't real words." You rolled your (e/c) eyes and unclamped your hands from the Dane's mouth.

He laughed loudly. "I know!" Mathias exclaimed then looked to see if anyone was around. "You really should tell him _____. I know he feels the same."

"N-no! He doesn't...I know he doesn't." You mumbled.

Mathias rolled his eyes playfully and cupped his hands around his mouth. "NORRRR!!" You sighed in relief thinking he was going to call a certain country other than Norway over instead. Said Norwegian gave a loud sigh and walked over.

"What do you want?" He looked at you and nodded. "Hello _____."

You smiled. "Hi Lukas."

"Fill in the blanks kay~?" He asked, winking. Norway just rolled his eyes once more and muttered a response. "Blank loves _____."

"Iceland. And that was one blank." He said simply, your jaw dropped. "Can I leave now?"

Mathias nodded and hugged Lukas who, didn't like it one bit, and kicked him in the leg. The Dane now had a bruise. "Nor! Why'd ya do that?!" He exclaimed and limped after the Norwegian. Yes limped.

You laughed as you watched the whole spectacle unfold.

"They're stupid."

You whipped your head around in surprise and came face to face with none other than Iceland.

"I-Icland...! You scared me!" You exclaimed and blushed.

His stoic face stayed as it always was but he raised a brow. "Sorry."

"It's fine." You laughed nervously. "I wasn't paying attention anyway."

Silence. Many people liked it once and a while, including you. Even the country of (c/n) needed some piece and quiet. But this wasn't just your averagely normal nothing-out-of-the-ordinary silence. This was pure silence infused with the very presence of awkwardness. And it was awful.

You looked around, desperately searching for something, anything at this point, to bring up a conversation. No luck. It was a 'normal' word meeting. And normal means France and England can't stop fighting, America keeps screeching 'ghost' to his brother Canada, China is desperately trying to talk to Hong Kong (who keeps calling him a predator by mistake), Romano and Spain need to get a room, Italy won't stop yelling 'pasta' (Germany is about to snap), Denmark is being choked by Norway, Prussia is annoying Austria and getting beaten up by Hungary in the process, and lastly Russia is scaring the shit out of everyone other than Belarus who wants to be his wife.

Yep... Normal.

You sighed, coincidentally at the same time Emil does. You blush. "Sorry."

"It's no trouble."

"These meetings just..." You paused, searching for the right word that want offensive.

He nodded. "I know what you mean. They're just something."

"That's the word I was looking for!" You exclaimed, wide smile on your face.

Emil blushed and looked away. You muttered an apology and did the same. "You don't have to keep apologizing you know."

"Sor-- I can't help it.." You laughed awkwardly then turned to him. "So..."

"So?" He raised a brow once more.

You mentally face palmed. "I was trying to start a conversation... Looks like I failed huh?"

He laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I have the same issue. It's no wonder I can actually talk to you.." Emil then blushed. "Sorry.."

You genuinely smiled and laughed this time. Now you were feeling much more comfortable talking to him. "Now you're the one who can't stop apologizing~"

"Sor-- Or right." He chuckled lightly. Emil had the best laugh you had ever heard. It wasn't too deep, but at the same time it wasn't too high. It was perfect. Music to your ears.

Then the awkward silence continued. Once again you searched for something to talk about, and once again you found nothing that was worth talking about.

" I'm so bad at this." He muttered, thinking about what his brothers told him earlier. "So I was wondering if you wanted to..." Emil trailed off, red faced and obvious trying to figure out where to go next.

You giggled and smiled. "Yes."

He rolled his eyes. "You don't even know what I was going to ask. I could've asked if you wanted to jump off a cliff with me."

"Yes. The answer still would've been yes." You blushed and looked into his eyes. "It will always be yes when it comes to you."

His face flushed and he let a large, genuine smile grace his usually flat facial features. "_____. Do you really mean that?"

You nodded. "Always."

His smiled widened. "I love you. Always have."

"Always will." You finished for him.

He leaned in and touched his soft lips to yours. They were everything you thought they would be and more. As creepy as that sounds. They were slightly cold as they moved in sync with your warm ones. Sadly, air was a major factor, so you had to break apart. You took a deep breath and looked around, blush on your face.

Emil did the same.

"GET SOME ICEY~!" Denmark yelled.

Lukas on the other hand had his mouth dropped and wide eyes.

You and Emil laughed at his expression.

"Yo big brother, you're going to catch flies!" Iceland yelled with a smirk then dipped you in his arms. Lukas basically fainted on Denmark. Then hit him because he was embarrassed.

You let out a little 'eep' and a gasp before his lips were on yours again. Everyone was watching as this point but you didn't care and it was plain as day that Emil didn't either.

He had the one he loved in his arms and nothing else mattered. . .

For now.





I hope you enjoyed!



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Hasta la pasta~!

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