Point and Shoot (2p Japan)

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It's also gonna be short


Questions. Oh what beautiful words strung together that wanted, no practically begged, to know more. That was the point right? To receive answers? To know more?

Well not in this instance. Sometimes questions were used as a mater of being dumbfounded. People ask them to help themselves feel better. Sometimes even to lie to themselves. You weren't quite sure why your brain was being rattled so much. Or even why you were thinking about deep things and evaluating the true meaning of questions. Maybe it had to do with the fact that a man was pointing a gun to your head.

Yeah. That was definitely the reason.

Instead of shaking and begging for your life, you just stood there, almost dumbfounded. The man's blood red eyes seemed to bury themselves deep into your soul. It was a little unnerving. He had a scowl on his face. You stared into his eyes, refusing to break contact or look away. If you did, you knew for sure that you would be dead. He would shoot you in cold blood without having a second thought. You would have no chance. For now, staring was the only weapon you had.

Well that's what he thought.

You smirked and looked deeper into his almost hypnotic eyes. "Kuro...you look well today~" You purred, almost cat like. That was your nickname after all.

"_____." He growled.

You winked. "You remember my name after all~! I was starting to think we were strangers~!"

"My only mission is to kill you." He responded, unseating his katana and pointing it at your neck. "Not get to know you."

"Two weapons~? You must be scared of me~" You ran your tongue over your teeth and sneered.

"Never. Pick your poison."

"Hmm..." You rested your finger on your chin. "Lemme think... I would have an easier time of escaping if you use the katana, so I choose the gun."

He seemed to smirk slightly, but it vanished when he put his katana away. "I always enjoy fighting you, Puma."

You grinned at the mention of your code name. "Let's go!"

In a flash he pointed the gun at you and pulled the trigger. The sound echoed through the wear house. You jumped up and dodged the first bullet. "Nice try!" You received your title because of you feline like reflexes. You were quite fast. They called your Puma because you were beautiful and deadly. Anyone who got too close was bound to get scratched.

The Japanese man frowned. "It's never that easy." He took a few more shots at you which you dodged with ease.

"It that all you got?" You faked yawned. "I'm starting to get bored!"

He clenched his teeth and kept shooting. You realized that his gun would run out of bullets soon and pulled your own gun out of the back of your pants. You pulled the trigger as your feet just grazed the ground.

The sound of metal hitting metal rang throughout your ears. You hated that noise and cringed. Kuro had pulled out his katana sword and blocked the bullet. You smirked. "You're much better that Lutz. He's kinda stupid and easily distracted~" Lutz was a German and your previous target. You eliminated him with ease.

"I know. He is an idiot."

You swing the gun around your fingers. "Was, he was an idiot."

Kuro gritted his teeth. "Bastard. Now Luciano's going to be pissed."

"I'll kill him next. No biggie." You sighed. "Let's get this over with. I have another appointment later."

"As you wish."

You clashed. Steel on bullets. You would shoot and he would block. Then he would swing and you would dodge. Fights between the two of you sometimes went on for hours at end. Your skills were evenly matched.

Kuro Honda was your target and Puma was his target. It was as simple as that. It would turn into a tragic love story, it was just two highly skilled human beings killing each other. It was normal. Well, as normal as it could be.

You remembered when you trained with Hitman Jones. He always told you to keep your guard up because people wouldn't hesitate to kill you. You took his advice to the heart and never let anyone get too close. Besides, anyone who got too close died anyway. You killed them.

He took a stab at your arm and you hissed in slight pain. "Dammit... That was a cheap shot."

He shrugged. "You weren't really paying attention.."

"No. I was thinking." You charged and kit him aside the head with the butt of your gun.

He groaned. "Fuck... That was a cheap shot!"

"An eye for an eye Kuro... I gotta go. I'm late~" You blew him a kiss and jumped in the air, landing on the low roof.

"You can't just leave. We're in the middle of a fight!" He held his throbbing head.

"Just did." You stuck your tongue out, winked, then jumped off the roof into a sprint.

"Damn it all Puma! I will kill you!" He yelled after your disappearing form.

"I'll be waiting~" You hummed as you disappeared into the night.


Idk what this is. It's the start of something...maybe..?

Well I'm gonna do a Halloween special but what country? Or all of them?

Also, do you want the 2p Nordics?



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Hasta la pasta~!

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