Finding Theo

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Jackson's POV

"So what's the plan again?" I asked again for the fifth time.

"We are going to make him cure our friends. Then we are going to let you have a little fun with him, but not enough to kill him." I nodded and ran towards the door, but not before being stopped by Scott.

"Not all of us are going it would be too suspicious. Some of us need to stay back." I nodded and walked back over to the table.

"Stiles is obviously staying since he is sick," Stiles let out a little chuckle at those words,"Malia, you and Kira should stay too,"they opened their mouths to protest but Scott got to them first,"if we have this right then you guys are next. We can't have any of you guys fainting on us in the middle of the bargain." They nodded even though they disagreed.

"Isaac you and Allison will stay too. If things go back you are two of the people I trust most to handle things," they nodded moving closer to Stiles who moved farther away from them only to trip and fall onto the couch.

"As for me, Derek, Jackson, and the twins we will be going to find Theo. Any questions?" You for tell he just wanted to go but Scott being Scott he had to ask anyway. No one responded so he turned to me.

"We can check his house, the Dread Doctors old lair, the hospital, and the school. Should probably check the sheriff's station too to be honest." I nodded. But wait hang on a second. If there were five places to check and five of us that means..

"We have to split up." And with that Stiles was up and next to me.

"Okay that's it. You guys are not splitting up. I am coming with you," I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off,"if any of you so much as speak right now then I will take a branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your.."

"Okay we get it Stiles," Ethan said obviously having heard this speech before. He looked scared honestly.

"Okay then it's settled I'm coming." No one said anything. Honestly Stiles can be scary when he wants to be.

"Dibs on going with Jackson!!" Stiles yelled as he ran over to me.

"Are you sure Stiles,"I whispered into his ear,"you could get hurt and end up way worse than you are now." He nodded and looped his arm around mine.

"Yeah. I'm definitely sure." He finished as he nuzzled his head into my neck. God he knows that when he does that he can get me to agree to anything. That's evil. Pure evil.

"You realize that's cheating right. You can't do that just to get what you want.."  He didn't seem like he cared and just continued doing it. That little...

"Okay so Jackson you and Stiles take the School," I was going to protest but he went on anyway,"I will take the lair. Derek can take his house. Ethan you can have the hospital. And Aiden you take the sheriff's station. Any questions?" I went to say something but once again Scott cut me off.

"Okay then if no one had any questions then we shall go. And everyone be careful. We don't know what we're up against anymore." Everyone nodded and headed out.

Stiles POV

Okay I did not think the whole nuzzling thing was going to work. It did though. And now I am going with them. The only question is why would Scott send us to the school. He knows that at this certain time I am weaker. Why would he send me to one of the places he'll most likely be?

"Hey Scott hang back for a second." I called out to him. He stopped and started to come back. I made Jackson go wait outside while I talked to him.

"Why would you send me to the school Scott? You know I'm weaker right now than usual. I'm not trying to be rude or anything. But there's like a 75 percent chance he'll be there." Scott stood there shocked at my outburst.

"Stiles it doesn't matter just go." Scott says then pushes past me hitting my shoulder on the way out.

Woah. When did he become such a jerk? Seems like just yesterday he was worried about me.

"Jackson let's go. You're driving." I said as I tossed his keys to him. He stared at me knowing what had went down in there and left it alone in the end. Dang it. I should've known that he would have been listening. Even if I had told him not to he still would have listened.

We arrived at the school in a matter of minutes. Jackson may have been pushing the limits a little bit, but it's okay when you're the sheriff's son. No cop working under my father would want to arrest the sheriff's son and risk losing their jobs.

"Okay we're here." He said as I jumped out of the car. Then I saw her. My mom. And she was coming straight towards me.

"You killed me Stiles you killed me. Now finally just finally it's time for you to die too." I just stood there staring in shock.

This isn't real Stiles. It isn't real. You have to calm down.

"Oh but Stiles it is real. And so will be your death when Theo finally kills you." She threw her head back in laughter.

"Stiles... STILES!!!" I'm brought back to reality by my boyfriend snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Are you okay? Was that another hallucination?" He put his hands on my shoulders and I nodded.

"It was my mother. She was telling me that I killed her, and that Theo is in there ready to kill me too." I said as silent tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Stiles you aren't going to die..."

"Oh but he is." A voice rang out from behind us. We turned to see Theo with none other than Scott McCall standing next to him.

A/N: I'm so sorry. It's been a while since I have updated. And please don't kill me for that ending. It had to happen for the story to keep moving forward.

Next update will probably be later today or early tomorrow. It will not be long though before the next chapter goes up. So keep on the lookout. Til next time.

- Kayla

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