The Next Chapter

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Jackson's POV

I haven't left Stiles side since his hallucination, which was a little over 10 hours ago. He hasn't had one since, but I'm worried that his next one will be worse than before.

He has woken up a couple times, and even in his weakened state, he still manages to crack a joke or smile through the pain. I know it's there. I take it whenever he passes out. It's rough, and it hurts, but I would do it for him. I would go through all the pain I could just to make him feel the littlest bit better.

Stiles told me about his hallucination that he had back in the room. He said there was a girl named Molly, and that his dad was drunk and saying some pretty horrible things and he still refuses to repeat them to me.

I don't think I've slept a wink in the week that Stiles has been sick. I've just been too worried about him to even shut my eyes for a second. I'm just too scared that if I blink I might miss his last moments. That I'll never get to say goodbye to him. That won't happen though. All I have to do is stay awake. Nothing is going to happen to him on my watch. I will protect him until I take my last breath.

"Jackson?" I hear beside me. I look to see Stiles looking in front of him. At first I smile at the thought of him thinking about me. Then I realized what was happening.

"JACKSON!!! NO!!" He was hallucinating. I quickly shot up and ran over to him. I put my hand on his and started to take the pain away. There was a lot of pain. Too much pain that he was experiencing.

"Stiles I'm right here. I'm fine." It wasn't working though. He couldn't hear a single thing I was saying.

"LET GO LET GO!!!!" He screamed as he ripped himself out of my arms and ran for the nearest corner. He sunk low into the corner and hid his head in his hands. What was happening that was scaring him so bad?

"Jackson...please...stop." That was what he managed to say inbetween sobs. Again. What was happening in his head.

"I'm right here Stiles. I'm not going to hurt you. I don't know what you're seeing but it's not real." I don't know what he was hearing, but he still wasn't hearing me. He suddenly jumped up and started crying.

"Please stop hurting me. I promise I won't do it again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Then it happened again. Something clicked and his head fell back. Once again I managed to catch him before he hit the floor, but this time I almost wasn't there in time to catch him.

I carried him back to the couch. This time though, instead of laying him down by himself I placed myself under him, and placed him inbetween my legs. So that his head was resting on my stomach. I ran my fingers through his long brown hair. Doing anything I possibly could to sooth him from his troubles.

You can sleep now
I will protect you from your pain
You may leave now
Let all your worries slip away

Cuz I am right here
And I am never letting go
I will not let you fight this
All alone

I sang these words to him softly. I just made them up on the spot. They weren't bad honestly. Maybe I could use them.

"More." I heard Stiles mumble. He had to of meant the singing. He loves it when I sing to him.

My darling
You are asleep while I'm awake
And the storm is..
Making your thoughts shake

I won't hurt you
My love is far too deep and pure
I will cure you
From this endless pain filled door

Which will not open
Unless you let your fears slip through
But if you don't let them
Your pain will be scared of you

I finished with those words. The lyrics honestly just came to me. Stiles is my muse I guess. The reason for writing. My inspiration.

"Thank you." I looked down to see Stiles looking up at me smiling.

"And what would you be thanking me for now?" I said with a slight smirk.

"Just for not giving up on me. Even though, by now my case is hopeless." Had he given up? There is no way that he gave in that easily.

"Stiles your case isn't hopeless. It's just a tough one. And since when has a case being tough ever stopped us?," He looked at me with curiosity of what I would say next,"You know if you just give up on everything that's tough, nothing will ever be challenging. Life without a challenge is like Jackson without Stiles. It's meaningless," he smiled at those words. I tilted his head up to face mine,"just please don't give up yet Stiles. Keep fighting. Accept the challenge, and fight it until your very last bit of strength is gone. Then keep fighting, and I promise you I will always be in your corner." Man inspirational much? I didn't know I had it in me to give that kind of speech. At least now I do. Now I will definitely be doing that all the time.

"Hey Jackson," Stiles asked and I looked down at his face," what other things are meaningless without each other?" Okay I might have had to think about this one for a minute, but I did come up with something.

"Oh you know....Peanut butter and Jelly," he laughed at that one,"Ross and Rachel, Han Solo and Chewbacca. Those kind of things. Oh and Life and Stiles are definitely meaningless without each other." His face scrunched up at those words.

"I thought that it was Jackson and Stiles." I laughed and intertwined my hand with his.

"It's Stiles and Jackson. It will always be Stiles and Jackson." He smiled and dug his face into my chest.

Yeah. There was no way I was letting him leave me anytime soon.

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