Trust Me

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Stiles POV

"Hey I got the sandwiches. Sorry it took me so long the line was really long. Who knew this many people loved sandwiches." I said as I threw the bag onto the table. He took his sandwich out and began to eat. I didn't. I wasn't hungry. I just couldn't stop thinking about the McCall pack. I have a feeling that I really trust them. I just can't figure out why. That dirty blonde was kinda cute though. Definitely going to have to talk to him next time. I wonder if he's gay. Wait am I gay? How did I know that.

"Hey," Theo said as he threw a paper ball at my head,"you going to eat?" I didn't hear the rest of it because something happened.


"JACKSON!!!" I yelled as I stood in front of him. Currently his tail was wrapped around my neck about to tighten. All the different though it released the tail falling limply to the ground. He took a step back from me almost as if he was scared.

"Jackson?" I asked softly as I got closer. I felt an arm wrap around me, I looked back to see it was Scott. Easily I shrugged out of his grip and walked towards Jackson.

"Hey. I'm right here. I'm right here." I said calmly. Then he started walking towards me. Not in a caring or loving way either. Before I knew it I was on the ground with the tip of Jackson's tail on my neck. Scott and Derek were going to come close with Allison in the back, but I waved them off. I can handle this I mouthed to them. They backed off but you could tell they didn't want to.

"Jackson listen to me okay. I know you're in there. It's me. It's Stiles. Please don't do this. I don't know what's controlling you, but I promise you that I will help you through it. So do whatever you want. Kill me. Do what your Kanima instincts tell you to do. Whatever you do. Just remember I will always love you." I finished as a tear rolled down my face.

I don't know how this happened, but suddenly the Kanima backed off. Then he turned back into Jackson, but this time it was weird. He had glowing eyes.

"Jackson?" I asked cautiously as I approached him. He looked at me and then all of the sudden I had lips on my own.

Flashback ends

"Woah Stiles what was that?" Theo asked as He placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I don't know. Do you have a place where I could sleep? I think I just need to lie down." He nodded and led me to a room upstairs.

"This is your room." Then all the sudden I felt a fist collide with my face as I was pushed onto the bed. Before I could process anything I felt clasps being fastened around me. They were metal and they hurt. They were clasped around my ankles, wrists, neck, and chest.

"Just for precaution. Now that I looked around I saw the window was gated and there were at least nine locks on the door to make sure I couldn't escape.

"It doesn't seem like you get it Stiles. You are my pack. Which makes you mine. This is just extra precautions. Now this," he held up a needle,"is something that will put you right to sleep. I don't need to use it. So go to sleep." Then he left and locked all the locks on the door.

I can't believe this. How did this even happen to me.

Liam's POV

I have started the 5th stage. I'm scared. Apparently Stiles is with Theo now. Even though Scott said he is double crossing him. This is the hallucination stage. This is the stage that Stiles died at. Me and Lydia aren't doing so good. Lydia has been moved, but only to give Jackson what Stiles left him. Apparently they were engagement rings. I just can't believe we lost Stiles. What is harder to believe though is that Scott killed him. What if he kills the rest of us. Scott really isn't number one on my trusted list right now.

Having a hallucination in front of the pack scares me so bad to the point where I have locked myself in a bedroom in case it happens. I mean I'm terrified that it will...

"Liam." Suddenly I was standing in a hallway. A long and dark hallway. Then I heard the voice again.

"Liam." It was coming from down the hallway. So I did the only reasonable thing I could think to do. I ran towards the creepy voice.

The voice kept saying my name until I ran into a dark room. Five lights turned on and under each light was one of my friends. Mason, Corey, Hayden, Scott, and Stiles. Each of them were standing there looking terrified.

"Now Liam. You're job is to pick one of them." WHAT!!! How do they expect me to choose.

"What am I choosing them for?" I yelled back at the ceiling.

"You'll find out after you choose. And if you don't choose they all die." That made my breath hitch.

"They didn't do anything. Kill me not them." I realized I was begging now. I could feel myself starting to lose control. I dug my nails into my hands in an attempt to stop the shift but it didn't work. The blood just kept coming out.

What was the thing that Stiles used? Oh yeah. What three things can't stay hidden for long? The sun the moon and the truth.

"Sun, moon, and truth. The sun, the moon and the truth. The sun, moon, and truth." Ah. It wasn't working. What was wrong with me.

"What are you doing to me?" I yelled hoping to get an answer.

"I told you young beta. Either you pick one or they all die." Fight it. Liam. You can't kill your friends. Fight the shift.

I controlled it until I couldn't. Before I knew it I was behind Stiles with my claws against his throat. Then I pulled. He dropped dead to the floor while blood gushed out of his slashed throat.

None of them reacted. It was almost like they were frozen, like they couldn't move even if they wanted to. That's their plan. They want to make me shift and kill my friends. I can control it. No one else has to die.

Wait a second. If I slash my own throat then they won't die. I won't be able to hurt anyone. So I did what I had to. I put my own claws up to my throat and pulled. The last thing I saw was Stiles dead body on the floor before everything went black.

Scott's POV

I was sitting on the couch with my head in my hands when suddenly I heard something hit the ground hard.

I ran up to the bedroom an I could already smell blood from the room Liam was supposed to be in. I opened the door and saw Liam laying on the floor motionless as blood pooled around his body.

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