Talking to Him

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Stiles POV

Woah. What the heck happened here. Why was I sleeping?

Oh right. I have the new freaking disease. They haven't even named it yet. That's how much of an early case this is. One of the symptoms should be memory loss after a blackout, but I still remember everything that happened prior to me passing out the second time. Jackson was telling me that it was going to be okay, and that he was going to help me fight this.

"Hey sleeping beauty welcome back." I look around to see Jackson and Liam at my bedside. Woah hold on a second. Was Liam crying? He had to of been. Tear stains don't just happen magically like that.

"Was Liam crying?" I ask Jackson. He nods. It's a slow and sad nod though. Not one of his perky nods that I usually get to see.

"Hey Liam," I say to him. He looks up at me and smiles a really sad smile. The smile was totally forced though. it wasn't real, "you know that i'm fine right. This disease will not kill me you hear me. Trust me if I can survive a 1000 year old Nogitsune spirit then I can definitely make it through this no problem." He laughed and honestly that made me feel really good. Glad I could make someone else happy right now.

"Hey Liam can you give me and Jacks a minute please?" He nodded and left the room.

"How is everyone else doing?" I ask him. He just instantly starts to laugh. Why was he laughing? What was so funny?

"Hey why are you laughing?" I said putting my pouty on.

"Because Stiles. Only you would worry about everyone else in a time like this," man he is cracking himself up. Those people though. They laugh harder than anyone else in the room at their own jokes,"to answer your question though, everyone's still pretty much in denial. Scott mainly. Liam and I are a little past that stage but not by much. Scott though. He just refuses to believe that any of this is actually happening to you." I nodded. If we were in reversed positions I bet I would feel the same way. I can't be mad at him for not believing something that isn't true. Scott is one of those people who, once their mind is set on something it is hard to get them to believe anything else. It is what you call stubborn. I am that way too though.

"What's going to happen to you guys when I.... you know."

Jackson's POV

Did he really just ask that? He should know by now that we won't let anything happen to him.

"Stiles you aren't going to die." I told him. He seemed surprised by my answer but shrugged it off anyway.

Then he fell asleep again. This was predicted though. My only question is...How is he already at the second stage? He's barely had the disease for one whole day. This can't be killing him that fast. They don't know how long the patients had it before dying though. They could've had it for a less time than Stiles and still died. I'm just scared that this can't be cured. I can't lose him. He's all I have left. There's no one besides him left for me, they all left. Times like these make me wonder. Why did he stay? There's nothing about me that would make someone want to stay. I'm rude arrogant, and care for no one but myself. I do care for Stiles though. I really care for could even say that I love him.

Stop it Jackson. This is not the time to be getting down on yourself. Your boyfriend's life is on the line, and you are sitting here moping about it. This isn't going to save him.

"Jackson.." I look up to see Allison standing in the doorway. I respond with a nod before returning  y eyes to the floor where they were once before.

"I saw you leave. I just wanted to check on you. I saw Liam outside.  He's crying. So the I came in here to see you moping. Are you okay? Don't lie to me Jackson. Are you okay?" She is legitimately concerned. It's been a long time since I have had someone care for me. Besides Stiles of course.

"No..I am not okay. My boyfriend is laying there dying and I can't do anything to help him. Of course I'm not okay, but I have to be. For me, everyone else, and most importantly him." I nod towards Stiles dying form. She listens sympathetically. She cares, but she just doesn't know what to say.

"Jackson, it's okay to cry, it's okay to feel things. You love him. We all do, but mostly you, and seeing him like this has got to be killing you, so let it out, and when you do just remember that you have a big pack who will listen comfort you and pick you up when you're down. After all I mean what are friends for right." She laughs quietly at the last part. I nod and she pats my shoulder before exiting the room.

How do they all do it? Just act like everything is okay and find hope when there is no hope anywhere. Stiles is dying. She's laughing it off. Scott's calmer than a dead man, My calmness level. Oh well that's about as jittery as Stiles on a rampage without any Adderall to calm him down. Yeah that jittery.

Why him? No I wouldn't put this pain on anyone else, but Stiles shouldn't have it. I wish it had been me. It should've been me. If Stiles could hear me now though. My god he would be yelling at me telling me that I shouldn't be weighing myself down with all of this. I should listen to  that but I can't. Not when his life is on the line. Just like it always is. When we save him, we are going to have to talk about him constantly risking his life.

Just as I finished my thought Liam came into the room. He had little drops of blood on his upper lip.

"Jackson?" That was the last thing he said before falling to the ground.

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