Chp 41- Encounter

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters which are the ones not mentioned in any hxh series.

city name=(c/n)
"Im so sorry"

"Mama no cry" Kosuke said

"I love you three so much, lets just forget about this. I made spahgetti"

"Yay spahgetti!"

*A week later*

"Hello?" I answered my phone

"Hey (y/n) are you busy?" Lily said

"Im about to take the kids to the park why what happend?"

"Oh well nothing really its my day off so i figured we could hangout"

"Why don't you come with us? We can hang out while they play"

"Alright sounds good i'll see you in 10 mins"

I was finished up getting them ready to leave. The park wasn't super far so I didn't bring the stroller. They enjoyed walking and enjoyed being outdoors. 

"Ok you three go play"

They ran towards the playground shouting in happiness.

"Hey how are you?"

"Hey (y/n)! im good"

We talked for almost an hour until we heard an ice cream truck.

"Mama ice cream!"

"You guys want ice cream?"


"Alright go play while I get it don't leave the park"

They nodded and ran off to the playground to continue playing with their new 'friends'.

The truck stopped some what far from the park so I needed to get it quick. Lily ended up coming with me to help me hold the ice creams since we all wanted one.

Akio pov
"Kosuke wheres mama?"

"Me don't know wets wook for her!"

"Aya lets go wook for mama"


(y/n) pov
I made it back to the park and called out for Kosuke, Akio and Ahmya. No sign of them.

Panic rushed over me.

"Lily oh my god where are they!?"

"Where is who?"

"My kids! they're not in the park!"

"Are you sure they're not hiding somewhere in the park?"

"They're not here Lily! I should have just taken them with me!"

"Lets look for them, ill look over here"

We parted ways and began to search.

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