Chp 35 - Get away

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters which are the ones not mention in any hxh series.
I dropped to the floor and cried my eyes out while Shizuku wrapped me into a strong embrace.

"(y/n) everything will be fine. Machi, Paku and I will be here for you."

"Thank you so much"

"Im going to call Machi and Paku"

She left the room and ran off to get them. After what felt an eternity they were all in the room.

"Hey (y/n) are you ok?" Machi said rubbing my back. Shizuku came out of the bathroom with both tests handing one to each. Both of their eyes widening

"You''re pregnant?" Paku asked

"Yes I found out this morning"

"Do you know who the father is?"

They can't know.

"No I don't"

"Oh my god (y/n) then how-"

"I cant raise them on my own! im barely 18 in going 19. I don't even have a stable life!"

"(y/n) don't worry, you'll be a wonderful mother"

"I-I don't want my child in this kind of environment. I need to leave as soon as possible"

"Woah there (y/n) are you sure? You need to talk to the boss before you do something you know. We'll go with you would like?" Machi said

"Yes im sure thank you"

"I'll go check if he's busy right now" Paku said and left the room

I know I shouldn't just leave but I can't have him know. I need to get away before I see him. Before we come in contact. I doubt he would want anything to do with the child. He doesn't care for them he even admitted it.

"(y/n) lets go" Machi said

We walked down the hall and thank god there was no one in sight it was just us 4. We finally reached the room and knocked on the door. A small come inw as heard and we entered.

"(y/n) how are you doing?"

"Better thank you..."

"You all seem tense whats wrong?"

"I came here to talk to you about me leaving"

"Leaving? what? would you like to have this talk privately or are you fine with them here?" he asked

"We'll leave. We'll be outside in the hallway" Machi said and they started making their way out, closing the door behind them.

"Chrollo I need to leave as soon as possible I can't be here anymore-"

"(y/n) what happend? whats going on? I can't let you leave without an explanation"

"I-im pregnant..."

His eyes widened. He knew exactly who the father was.

"When did you find this out"

"Earlier this morning" tears forming in my eyes again

"(y/n) you're barely 18 years old, are you sure you can manage?"

"Yes well I mean no? I don't know but I will have this baby. I don't want my child in this type of environment and I don't want them near him." I said firmly

He didn't know what to say. He understood you perfectly well but just didnt understand why you didnt want him near the baby. Chrollo was rather happy for you but very concerned.

"You won't be in this alone. From the time you've been in the troupe i've grown to know you more as a person. You will be a great mother and will have you out of here this week"

"Thank you! Thank you so much Chrollo"

He extended his arms and pulled me in a warm hug. His embrace was beyond different. Nothing like his.

"I promise I will still be here if you or anyone in the troupe need anything. Please don't stress it's bad for the baby"

I couldn't help giggle. I really am thankful for the people around me that I have grown to call family. Except for one person. I got up and walked out into the hallway where the girls stood waiting for me.

"Hey im going outside for a bit" I said

"Do you want us to go with you?" Shizuku asked

"No its fine thank you... ill see you guys later"

They nodded and we parted ways. I couldnt help but think about him. This feeling of anger, hatred and rage was starting to build up. But deep down inside I knew I could never bring myself to hate him. I try to deny my feelings but I know I will never push them aside.

Ive grown to love this man. I love Feitan. As much as I don't want to let him go it's the correct thing to do. For the sake of my child and I.

I made it to the rooftop. The breeze bringing relaxation.


I turned around and saw the last person I wanted to come in contact with. He had that same everyday angry look

"What do you want"

"When did you wake up"

"This morning"

He walked closer to me and threw something at me making it hit my face

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"Wear it, if you take it off I wont hesitate."

I was confused and looked at the ground. There was a small pink silk bag. Inside was a beautiful diamond necklace.

"Feitan did you steal this?"

"Tch wear it" He was embarrased. Why did he do this? I heard his footsteps starting to fade.

"Feitan wait!" I said

He turned around to look at me and didnt say anything waiting to hear what I had to say.

This hurts so much.

"Thank you" I said giving him a smile

He nodded at me and turned around to exit the rooftop

I felt so hurt yet so happy. I put the necklace on and made my way back to my room.

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