Chp 2- Good times

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters

you aren't wearing contacts yet
Who knew one person could change your life around. Its been a few months since i've became friends with (Y/FN). I know it might sound cheesy but I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. We are always with eachother, stuck like glue.

"Hey (Y/N)"

"What's up?"

"I was thinking we should train and get physically active"

"What!? why all of a sudden?"

"I just feel like maybe if we get in good condition we will be able to leave this city and find a new place"

Ive never thought about leaving the city. A better life perhaps?

"Lets do! it when do we start?"

*5 months later*

Im really going to miss this place.


I stopped at the last place I saw the women who birthed me. I wonder how she's doing right now.

As I walked back I didn't see (Y/FN) anywhere. I waited for her return

As I was laying on the ground half asleep I heard footsteps approaching me.


I instantly woke up to see (Y/FN) infront of me.

"(Y/FN)! What's wrong with you!? You can't wake people up like that!"

"Surprise!" She said holding two cupcakes with a candle on one of them.


"Happy Birthday (Y/N)! I know it might not be much but I made them with all my love!"

"I don't know what to say im speachless (Y/FN) thank you. Thank you so much!"

I was forever so thankful for her.

"You only turn 15 once so make the most of it, make a wish"

I started to think for a wish and finally blowing out the candle

"What did you wish for?"

"If I tell you it wouldn't be a wish anymore"

"Ugh fine"

We looked at eachother and couldnt help but laugh.

"Once we leave Meteor city, what do you plan on doing?" I asked her

"I want to become a hunter"

"A hunter?"

"Yea a hunter, there is this thing called a hunter exam and I plan of taking it. I heard its pretty difficult but might as well! maybe after that ill find love and hopefully start a family."

Love huh.

"What do you plan on doing (Y/N)?"

"Honestly I don't know, look for a job and start a new life"

"Do you plan on finding someone?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you plan on finding a lover?"

I think its best not to.

"No I think it's useless. I will never have anyone like me or love me. I mean I don't blame them just look at me. I don't fit in with like everyone else"

"Oh don't say that, everytimI look at you I wish I had your looks (Y/N). You're honestly beautiful, unique to be specific nobody in the world has your looks. Plus you don't have to be liked just by looks your personality matters as well but either way you have quite the figure too"

"Stop (Y/FN) you're embarrasing me!"

We both laughed and sat in a comfortable silence
Hey yall im not sure what days ill be uploading but i will try and be consistent anyway signing out muah

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