Chp 4- Brat

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters

you aren't wearing contacts yet
I was about to leave when I was grabbed and shoved into a cage and thrown in a van. I was scared. Not knowing what would happen to me or what was going to happen.

"Make sure she doesn't escape she could really make us a ton of money."

"Hey sweetie whats your name?"

You sat there in silence with your eyes closed. Refusing to respond ended with a giant slap across the face.

"If you don't answer we'll make this by force you hear me bitch? I will not repeat myself again, what's your name?"

If I answered there was a possibility of him doing what he was going to do either way or maybe not. If I don't it might be worse so I don't have much options. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal the male.

"My name is Hitomi" I used as a fake name

"Hitomi huh? Pathetic why would they name a pupiless freak hitomi?"

Hitomi means pupil of the eye

"No sir I have pupils if you come closer you'll be able to see" you said. He slowly started coming closer until he reached you face to face

"I don't see anything! Do you think im fucking stupid!? HAHAHA stupid girl"

He locked eyes with me and he fell to the floor.  What a fool. Im not really sure what time it is but we've been driving for a long time now and nobody in the van realized their leader was dead. I was looking around to see if I could find a way out of here but I didn't find anything.

"Hey boss we're here"

no answer


no answer

"The girl." both men got out of the car into the back of the van just to find their boss on the ground.  Their faces were priceless, I could stare at it all day long. Im going to figure out more about this eye thing. What a pain.

"Take her to the Mori's this isnt no ordinary girl" Said the man I assume was the driver and the man I heard earlier

*Mori's residence*

"Take the cage out carefully and put this blanket over her head if anything happens to her you guy's are dead you hear?"

"Yes sir"

Wait isn't he just the driver? why is he commanding them? After he left I decided to ask one of them considering one if them looked somewhat kind? Either way i'll mentally prepare myself for the insults and maybe even the abuse.

"Excuse me sir"

"What do you want brat"

"Why are you taking orders from what im assuming is the driver? I know we just met but you seem afraid of what consequences is to come from him or just scared of him in general and its no fun to live that way"

"Shut your trap im not scared if him or his threats and even if you die I could protect myself easily. He is the boss's right-hand"

"Ok then kill me im going to die eventually"

"Just cause im not scared doesnt mean im going to do it"

"Oh I see so you really aren't scared? well then i'll just kill myself"


"Let's see how should I do this? Suffocate? Bang my head? Oooo how about-"

"NO PLEASE DONT DO THAT SHUT UP! Ok fine! you win will you shut your trap now!?"

Aww that was no fun! teasing him a little longer would've been fun. After hours the man was still here with me and there was a surprisingly comfortable silence until I broke it.

"What made you want to be this way sir?"

"I said to shut your trap"

"Im only asking! damn boys don't have no respect!"

"Boys!? im a grown man idiot!"

"Clearly you aren't sir. Capturing and insulting woman or girls is not a manly thing if anything it makes you a coward. If you haven't noticed I haven't insulted you"

It went silent again for a couple minutes and I could basically see the smoke coming out of his ears

"Why do you care? you're just a kid you wouldn't understand" he replied in a much nicer tone

"Ok first if all im not a kid I am 15 which makes me a teenager, second what makes you think I wouldn't understand and third I don't care im just asking because by the looks of it, it seems you really hate this job"

'This girl could easily read people. I should really watch myself. I wonder what happend to her eyes why doesn't she have pupils? nevermind that.  For some reason it feels like I could open up about anything to her and something in me is making me want to help her... No what am I saying don't be stupid" The man thought to himself
Im so sorry this chapter is long and these chapters have been sad but it'll get better ! these few chapters are going to be about you as you can see but thanks for sticking around :)

She's Mine || Feitan x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora