Chp 5- Puuya

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Disclaimer: I do not own hunter x hunter, I only own my characters

you aren't wearing contacts yet
"If you don't mind me asking whats your name sir?"

"Puuya!" You heard through a speaker

"I'll be back"

So his name is Puuya huh thats an intresting name.
He doesn't seem like a bad guy to be completely honest.

After a few minutes he came back

"Hey girl" Puuya said


"Im going to get you out of here" what am I saying?what am I doing? The man thought to himself

"What? are you being serious"

"Once I open the cage I will make sure to teleport us somewhere else"

"But wont you lose your job?"

"Do you want to or not!?"

Without hesitation you got close to the cage door he opened the door and you got out. Puuya then grabbed you and you guys were suddenly somewhere else. You felt dizzy.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea im just dizzy but i'll be ok"

"Ok, this is my home it may not be big but for the meantime you will stay here"

"Wow thank you sir i've never really had a home so this is enough"

"Yea yea take a seat i'll make some food and then we'll discuss stuff"

I wonder how he did that.

"Hey come eat so you can shower after looks like you need one"

As you sat down you were rehearsing what you were going to ask

"How did you do that Puuya?"

"Do what?"

"How did you teleport us?"

It looked like he is debating to tell me. I dont want to force him but I really hope he tells me

"You don't need to tell me but if you do we'll do this if i ask you a question you can ask me a question too"

he looked at me and finally gave in

"Its called Nen, Nen is a technique that allows for one to manipulate life energy, otherwise commonly referred to as aura"

"Wow that sounds pretty cool sir"

"Now its my turn, sorry if it sounds rude but what happend to your eyes"

"If im going to be completely honest I don't know I was just born like this I was hoping to find out myself so I can probably maybe fix them?"

"Listen kid-"

"Im not a kid!!!"

"Alright what did you say your name was?"

"I never mentioned it my name is (Y/N)"

"Well (Y/N) I might be able to get you something that might help you"

"What? really?"

"Yes they're called contact lenses"

"Wow thank you so much! I know we havent known each other long but I could already tell deep down you aren't a bad person"

"Um thank you and its no problem, is there anything else you would like?"

"Actually yes and hopefully you will accept"

"You want to learn nen dont you"

"Yes I do and I was wondering if you are willing to teach me"

There was a long pause

"Listen I could teach you but it will be a long process and patience"

"Im up for it Puuya"

We looked at eachother in silence

"When do we start?"

"We start tomorrow so make sure you get a goodnight rest"

"Yes sir if you excuse me im going to wash up and get ready for bed-"

Oh right I don't have a bed or clothes

"Um Puuya is it ok if I sleep on the couch?"

"No, lucky for you I have a guest bedroom which is the one you will be using walk straight and you'll see a door to your left.  It has a bathroom too and clothes don't worry i'll let you borrow some"

"Thanks goodnight Puuya"

I can't believe I am taking care of a kid but I know she'll work wonders.
Hehe im sorry it is taking so long to just get to the point but its almost there dont worry, byeee

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