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felix didn't really want to be infront of the door he was standing at but he had signed a contract and had to think of joonsu.

he nervously rang the doorbell and waited longer than last time. just as he was about to greet changbin his eyes widen at the sight of a strange male.

"hi you must be joonsu's tutor right?"

felix nodded and shook the strangers hand who smiled at him making him feel more at ease.

"i'm changbins boyfriend."

the stranger stares at felix who had a confused look on his face but nodded before the stranger started laughing. "i'm joking by the way. my name is yang jeongin i'm actually changbins assistant." (sike)

felix nodded before walking into the house jeongin helping him with his coat. "i'm felix, lee felix." jeongin smiled.

"i'm sorry if my joke went to far but usually i use it to find out new employees intentions." jeongin explained making felix tilt his head. "you know wether they're trying to use changbin for money or trying to get him romantically to use his status." jeongin explains making felix smile.

"trust me no amount of money or status would ever attract me to someone like him." felix said making jeongin laugh making felix at ease.

"yeah changbin can be bit cold sometimes but i was actually lucky and got to meet him before the tragedies. i even got meet junho who was the sweetest person in the world. the real changbin isn't like this he's actually the best and one day we'll get him back i just know it." jeongin said smiling enthusiastically at felix who was amazed by the youngers positive thoughts.

"anyways i have to go back to the company! since you pass my test changbins credit card is in the first drawer of the kitchen island feel free to use it. make sure to buy dinner for joonsu and yourself. also he wanted me to let you know you can leave once your session is done he'll send someone over to watch over joonsu." jeongin explains making felix nod.

"we should hangout sometime and not talk about changbin." jeongin said making felix laugh "yes absolutely, here put your number and i'll text you when to make plans." felix said handing over his phone.

"lixie! your here!" joonsu said running up to felix to greet him with a warm hug. they say goodbye to jeongin who was already getting calls from the company.

"lixie i can't finish my math homework!" joonsu exclaimed pouting as he swung felix and his hand. "yes you can, let's go take a look at it!" felix smiled walking over to the study.

the study session ended a few minutes earlier and felix remember about jeongin had said about getting dinner for joonsu.

"joonie what do you want for dinner?" felix asked taking out his phone to prepare a delivery.

"lixie can you make pasta please?" joonsu asked sweetly making felix smile "of course let's go to the kitchen."

felix was glad joonsu asked for him to cook because he didn't want to even touch the credit card. they made their way to the kitchen with joonsu helping felix find everything he needed.

joonsu would giggle whenever felix would ask him where something was and he didn't know either.

"this is the best pasta in the whole world lixie!" joonsu said before he ate more making felix smile.

when they finished their dinner felix checked the time and realized it was past eight and sighed since there was no signs of anyone arriving.

"hey joonie why don't you go get ready for bed and then we can watch a movie." felix said making joonsus eyes widen as he jumped up and down.

"really!?really lixie?"

felix smiled and nodded as he watched joonsu walk towards his room as he made his way to clean up the mess in the kitchen. he kept looking towards the window but still no sign.

when he was about to call seungmin when joonsu ran into the kitchen excitedly. "lixie! let's go pick out a movie!" he said pulling on felixs hand towards the living room.

"where are the movies?" felix asked since he didn't see any dvds. joonsu pulled felix towards the bench and lifted up and saw a collection of dvds.

"these are mine! daddy said appa bought them for me when i was super small!" joonsu said as he looked down to see which to pick.

once they decided on the lion king felix took out his phone to send a text to his roommate about picking him up later and one to seungmin to tell him what he should do.

halfway through the movie joonsu fell asleep clinging onto felix side. felix didnt realize but eventually fell asleep and didn't hear the when changbin arrived.

changbin walked into the living room to see where the lights were on but halted at the sight he placed down everything and walked over to pick up his son making sure not wake him up.

he took joonsu to his room and placed a kiss on his forehead before walking out.

changbin walked into the living room and saw the tutor putting on his coat.

"i thought i left clear instructions for you to leave when session was over." changbin said sternly almost glaring.

"and leave a six year old alone until past midnight?"

"he's my son! the way i choose to take care of him is my problem!"

felix took a deep breath to try and control himself from saying something he shouldn't.

"you do know i can call child protective services for what your doing right?"

changbin rolled his eyes "he's six not two! now leave before i fire you."

"you can't fire me for telling you the truth! if it offends you then it's not my problem. and you know any other parent would've thanked me for staying instead of threatening to fire me!" felix said loudly as he finished putting on his jacket.

"thank you? for what not following my orders? i have the right to fire you because you're tutoring MY son!" changbin fired back

felix shook his head in disbelief "well you won't need to fire me because i expect my last paycheck to be in my bank account by tomorrow!" felix exclaimed before grabbing his backpack and walked out of the house quickly before changbin could say anything.

felix walked all the way and once he outside the gates he pulled out his phone.

"chan can you come pick me up?"


i wish i could call chan to come pick me up :(

i don't know why im suddenly so sad. it makes no sense.

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