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"he's older than an ice cube in a freezer!"

"well in order to be an ice cube it has to be in the freezer felix."

"Yeah but i was expecting maybe and ice cube outside a freezer or even and ice cube melting but no this guy is an actual ice cube."

seungmin replied rolling his eyes knowing felix can't see him. "i was trying to explain that to you last time but you wouldn't listen to me!" seungmin said making felix mumble something that seungmin couldn't understand.

"whatever. seungmin! i almost broke down in tears three times! why didn't you tell me the joonsu's appa died!?" felix exclaimed before realizing he could've probably woken up his roommate.

"how was i supposed to tell you if you wouldn't listen to me!"

"you could've written it down in the notes!"

seungmin sighed running a hand through his hair "look felix you might've gotten a bad impression but i care about changbin and joonsu like i care for you, like family." seungmin started before taking a seat in his desk looking out to the backyard.

"remember when you left to australia?"

felix hummed bitting his lip as he noticed seungmins tone was more serious.

"well when you left i met junho, he's joonsu's appa and was married to changbin. junho and i became best friends and stayed like that through college. during my freshman year when i met hyunjin i would force junho to go with me and hyunjin would bring along changbin. long story short they got married first then hyunjin and i got married. after that changbins father passed away. it really took a toll on everyone especially junho and i was there for him through that though time.

then a few months later we found out junho was pregnant. everyone was so happy to get the good news. and they had joonsu, he brought the happiness back to everyone especially changbin. joonsu was about to turn four months old when junho passed away. it shocked us because no one saw it coming. the last conversation i had with him he told me that if something where to happen to him, to take care of joonsu as if he were mine. and that's what i'm doing. so please felix i know you know what it's like to loose someone now imagine changbin loosing two people in the spam of two years. yes he's harsh and cold but he's trying."

felix took a deep breath before bitting his bottom lip as he process everything seungmin just told him. "i guess i judged him to harsh without knowing his story. he's a good father, i'll give him that." felix finally spoke up making seungmin sigh in relief from the other side of the line.

"what do you mean?" seungmin asked referring to the last part of what felix said. seungmin then quitely walked to check on hyeon that was taking a nap.

"well he was cold to me but he becomes visibly less tense when it comes to joonie. for example when he hugs him he actually similes. plus he was genuinely concerned when i made lunch for joonie because of his allergies. he made sure joonies pet bunny is fed oh and he even took us to get cookies." felix explained before waving a goodbye to chan who was walking out the front door.

"wait what?" seungmin pulled his phone away from his ear to check the caller id to make sure he wasn't hearing wrong. seungmin walked back to his writing area in shock.

"hold on felix i need to sit down. are we still talking about changbin? seo changbin?" seungmin asked confused.


"oh my i need to call hyunjin!" seungmin exclaimed with the biggest smile. "felix i know changbin is cold but please just bare with him i promise he'll get nicer!" seungmin said quickly before saying goodbye and hanging up.

seungmin didn't waste any time before quickly dialing hyunjin directly. "hyunjin! hyunjin! are you sitting down?"

"yes baby what's wrong? are you okay? is hyeon okay?" hyunjin asked quickly packing up his things in case of an emergency.

"changbin took joonsu and felix out for cookies on saturday!" seungmin exclaimed happily.

"baby i think you're going to call an ambulance." hyunjin said as he sat down back with wide eyes not believing what he heard.

"I can't believe it either!"

"what? how!?" hyunjin asked confused since he had seen changbin this morning and wasn't told anything.

"i'm not sure i'll ask felix another time. just make sure changbin doesn't scare him off. this is gold."


seungjin are my favorite. for some reason they just pull off the perfect family couple vibe.

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