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♥︎ insu lee-seo ♥︎

joonsu cha-seo

iseul lee-suh

changlix babies


felix signaled for changbin to him over insu since the two month old baby was being extremely fussy from the moment the got out the vehicle.

joonsu kept on tugging on felix sleeve in excitement but stopped once he realized felix had insu and instead went to changbin.

"we can go back if you want or i can call minho to pick you up." changbin suggested but felix shook his head since he knew how munch joonsu had been waiting for today.

once they reached the front of the lego store changbin had to hold back joonsu since he was so excited practically jumping up and down. "baby are you sure?" he asked one more time to which felix nodded immediately "you two go ahead we'll wait out here hopefully i'll be able to call him down." felix said as he cradled insu which seemed to help.

changbin gave him one last worried glance as he walked into to the store with a very excited joonsu that made him feel more at ease as they looked for the lego set they had promised to get.

felix calmly paced around the small area infront of the store rubbing smalll cicles on insus back hoping that that the baby would stop moving.

softly humming felix decided to stop walking as he waited for the other two.


felix turned around his eyes widening at the sight he couldn't believe it. "johnny?"

johnny gave him a big smile as he nodded and looked at the baby felix was holding before looking back at felix "he's yours?"

felix closed his eyes as he held his breath. for some reason he felt guilty holding the baby he had longed for when johnny was right infront of him. he nodded "johnny im sorry-"

however johnny quickly shook his head and gave him a comforting smile "hey it's okay, if anything i'm the one that has to be sorry. if anything im more than happy for you to have this little guy." he said as he tapped the babies nose.

but felix still felt guilty shaking his head "when did you get back from london?" felix asked quietly.

"about a month ago i actually didn't know if it was actually you since i thought you had gone back to australia." johnny said as smiled at the fussy baby and how felix would have to constantly readjust how he was holding him.

felix nodded and then felt the tiny hands wrap around his legs and looked down smiling at joonsu. "appa lixie! i got my set! can we go with channie? and can we get cookies? oh and can we take dori with us please?"

felix softly laughed at joonsus last request knowing how changbin didn't like minhos cats in his car but still agreed before turning to look at johnny.

joonsu then noticed and tighten his grip around felix "this joonsu but you can call him joonie." he said as held both of his boys.

johnny smiled and cruched down waving to joonsu who only stared at him. "he's the same age as iseul." felix whispered but smiled as joonsu gave him a bright smile and insu had stopped moving.

"i'm happy for you, you deserve this. im sure our iseul is happy for you too." johnny said that made felix feel even more guilt although he couldn't show it to his two babies.

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