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warning mentions of miscarriage and death


it had been a week since changbin and felix had become official. although they just needed to say the exact words to make it official. changbin decided to ask felix at the perfect timing.

changbin had gone to visit junho like he usually did every month. the month before he finally let everything out to junho explaining how felix came into his and joonsu's lives to turn it around. "when i walk back into the house there's light, it's not dark, it's not quiet, it's not just two of us anymore. it's as if you sent the perfect person to take care of us. i hope you take care of his baby as he takes care of ours. i'll never stop loving you, you know that right? i'll try my best to live again for you, us, and our joonie. i miss you junho ."

the past week felix asked if could join since he also wanted to take some flowers to his baby to which changbin agreed. changbin showed felix where junho was as they both placed flowers. felix felt changbin grip his hand and look from junho to felix. infront of junho changbin asked felix to become his official boyfriend with junhos permission.

felix accepted and made a personal promise to junho that he would take care of them.

they then made their way to where felix's baby was.

iseul lee-kim.

they left flowers as well and changbin smiled at the tiny pair of knitted shoes. changbin also asked for iseuls permission promising to take care and cherish felix.


(i can't write the scene to save my life 😭 i just can't. but you know what i mean right? if you want to write it pm me or use your wildest imagination.)

felix laid his head as head on changbins chest listening to heart beat slow down he hummed as he felt the olders hand run through his hair.

"tell me about junho."

"now? after we just..?" changbin asked confused but felix nodded changbin sighed softly trying to decide weather to tell felix everything or change the conversation.

"i met him during my last year of college he was in his second year with seungmin. thats when hyunjin met seungmin however seungmin would only agree to go on dates with hyunjin if he could take junho. hyunjin would beg me to go in order to make sure he got enough time with seungmin.

at first we hated each other. we would sit as further apart and when he tried to make conversation i would immediately shut it down. eventually seungmin and hyunjin didn't need us anymore.

until i ran into junho on campus it was past ten and i was heading home when i found him alone in a bench he looked down and i couldn't bring myself to leave him there.

i went up to him and found out he was having family issues and it was affecting his grades that he would loose his scholarships and would have to go back home soon. it probably the pain in his eyes that touched me the most. he wasn't crying but the pain was obvious and i think it made it feel worse.

i ended up helping him in any way i could. i would go and help him with homework. i would try and distract him by taking him out to watch a movie or a walk. i paid for whatever he would let me to take the stress away.

slowly i started to see his personality and i fell in love. i would do anything to see him smile and when my anything i mean anything.

i graduated a few months later and immediately had to go shadow my father since he was awaiting his retirement. i did everything to keep junho in school and give him all the help until i got a call from seungmin.

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