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"hyunjin wait!" jeongin says panicking when he sees hyunjin approaching changbins office. hyunjin stops and looks at the younger waiting to hear the reason.

"he's in a conference call with mr.choi." jeongin explains basically blocking the door with his body. hyunjin nods understandably.

last time someone interrupted changbins call they ended up with a fired employee, broken glass, and jeongins stapler was still no where to be found.

"how has it been this morning?" hyunjin took the opportunity to ask about changbins current mood.

jeongin shrugged his shoulders "he was already here when we arrived and he hasn't seen anyone other than me when i took him the daily reports."

fifteen minutes later changbin calls for jeongin that's when he gives the signal to hyunjin to enter.

hyunjin walked in to see changbin was still in the same clothes as yesterday and the office being a complete mess.

"why didn't you go home yesterday?"

"you took my son. that's the whole reason i ever leave this place." changbin replied annoyed since he hadn't gotten the sleep needed to deal with any of hyunjins yelling.

hyunjin sighed realizing today was not the day to yell. "listen, let's have a civilized conversation for once in our liives." hyunjin said as he took a seat and waited for changbin to give him his attention.

"look i know better than anyone what you've been through. when you lost your dad i also felt the pain. he mentored me too and became a father figure to me and it hurts me that he isn't here with us right now. now you lost junho and that i can't say much because even the thought of losing my seungmin makes my heart physically ache. yes you lost two of the most important people in your life but changbin please realize the present and the future.

it's been nearly five years since all this has happened and you still act like it was yesterday. anger isn't going to do anything it just gives me more to do. i don't mind helping you changbin, you've become my brother. i want to help you and i'll always be here but let me try at least.

you made the promise to junho that you would take care of joonsu like he would. i know your trying but you need help, guidance, assistance, whatever you wanna call it.

and until you accept it i'm going to take care of joonsu. changbin please think about right now what you're doing, your sadness turned anger only makes your life and grief more difficult. it also affects the company, the employees, me, your friends, and most importantly joonsu."

changbin sighs placing his face in his hands as massages his temples. it was all true as much as he didn't want to admit it. he has failed junhos promise for the last six years.

"i'm genuinely trying." changbin states before starting to hyunjin. "i'm trying everyday and yes i mess up. i probably mess up more than i'm allowed to but money has always solved it in terms of the company but not with joonsu."

changbin said his voice lowering as he sadly smiled "he's just like junho. no matter how much i mess up he still greets me with the brightest smile."

hyunjin smiles because this was the changbin he knew. "our greatest gifts have been our children don't you agree?" hyunjin asks thinking about his little hyeon.

changbin hums as he leaned back in hair office hair. there was a comfortable silence between the two friends before changbin spoke.

"i'll accept your help with joonsu but no one else. and i have the final say on everything." changbin negotiates. which hyunjins eyes widen in surprise he didn't this he would ever get changbin to agree.

"we have a deal." hyunjin says in disbelief at what just happened he almost forgot the whole reason he even came.

"speaking about joonsu, his school sent a letter expressing that they strongly recommend a math and english tutor. seungmin and i have a friend that's a private tutor for the upper east side schools. what do you say?" hyunjin suggested hoping changbins good mood helps.

changbin nodded "if he's a friend of yours and you trust them with joonsu then go ahead and write the contract." changbin said shrugging ignoring hyunjins shocked expressions.


i was watching a music show and every time changbin came on there was someone cheering in the crowd while i cheered in my house 💀 #internationalfan

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