Chapter 12

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"Baby please." He said. I just looked at him. "You promised!!" I say. "I know and I'm sorry." He said. "No. No your not! You wouldn't have done it!" I say and push him off. He gripped my wrists and made me look at him. "Did you just?" He asked. I look down. "No." I said. He pulled my face up. "Did you just push me away?" He asked. "No." I say. He grabs my waist. "I said no." I say. He peers into my face deadly. I tried my best to look down. He pulled my face right back up. "Let go." I say. He doesn't move and just stares at me. I was on the verge of tears. "Don't cry." He said. "Let go of me!!" I say. I don't want to be here. He picked me up all of a sudden and next thing I know I'm in the room I can no longer call our room. "Why am I here?" I asked. He brought out a jacket. "What is this?" I asked. "Put it on." He said. "No." I say. He quickly looked at me. "What did you say!?" He shouted. "No!" I repeated. I'm getting my edge. I'm becoming more independent. He started walking towards me. I gulp. "Repeat that please." He said. I balled up my fist controlling myself. "Put the jacket on." He said. "I won't." I say. He grabbed the jacket and then forcefully put it on me. "Okay! Enough!" I say fixing it. He gritted his teeth. "Come. We need to go." He said walking towards the door. "I don't want to go anywhere with you." I say. He stopped and froze in place. "Glad you feel that way. See ya." He said. See ya? Is he leaving? "Are you leaving?" I asked him. "You can stay since you don't want to come." He said and walked out. I quickly ran out after him.

"Don't leave!!" I say. "You don't want to come and so I'm leaving you behind." He said and swung the backpack over his shoulder. "You don't love me." I say looking down. "Your not listening to me. Of course I love you." He said. He's causing me physical and mental pain. "No you don't! You wouldn't leave me that easily. You can walk out those doors and not turn around once!" I say. He walks to me. "Night sweetie." He said. I was confused and next thing I know I was out like a light.

"Hm? What happened?" I asked. I woke up on his shoulder. "Did you have a nice sleep?" He asked. I looked up to see we were on the streets. "What are we doing out here?" I asked. He kept walking. "Are you calm?" He asked. "Calm? I am calm." I say. He takes me off his shoulder and puts me down. I stand there in a daze. "Now come". He said entwining our hands walking. I was so confused at what was happening. He looked at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You may not ask me such foolish questions." He said. Foolish!? This who I devoted life to? Why must it be you? "You need to tell me something because you could be trying to kill me for all I know." I say. He stops and faces me. He looks into my face. "I love you. I wouldn't want to hurt you even if you do anything to me. Set that into your head." He said and rubbed my cheek. I don't understand. What is he implying. "Look at me." He said. I looked at him. "Trust me." He said. I nodded. "I love you too." I say. He smiles and pecks my lips. He then starts walking once again taking me with him.

"Please..." I begged. "I told you didn't I !?" He asked fuming. "I'm sorry! I believe you! I'm sorry!" I cried. I have crying non-stop for about an hour now. He pulled me up. "Say it!" He shouted. "I love you! That is it! It's you! I love you!" I say. He brushed my hair out of my face. "Your mine." He growled and let go of me. I froze. Why do I take this!? "This is only the beginning." He said and walked away. I curled up into a ball and laid on the new hotel bed. Why must it be me!? Why must he do this to me!? Why!? Why!? Yet still no answers!!! I trashed the bed and screamed to the rooftops. All this just for being in love with him!? Why should he do that to me!? I asked if I could just talk to the manager of a store and he flipped out. I can't talk to any other guy other than him. He's acting as though I am bringing him home with me!!! If I tell him everyday that I love him then why should he question me!!!? He goes off for a whole day doing who knows what and I don't question him!!! I trust him and he's being so selfish as to when it comes to me!!!! I don't want anyone besides him, why doesn't he understand that!?!! I calmed down after practically wrecking the whole room. I looked around. Maybe I should clean this up before he comes back... I wiped my tears and started to clean up.

I sat waiting patiently. He walked in. "Where have you been?" I asked. He looked at me and didn't say anything. "Why aren't you in bed?" He asked. "Because I was worried about you." I say. "Seriously? Get to bed." He said. I bit my lip and looked away. "Is there something you want to say?" He asked. I looked at him. He ran his hand through his hair. "Lets get to bed." He said. "I don't feel like sleeping." I say. He approached me. His face came close to mine. He was trying to read my mind. "I'm sorry about earlier." He said. "Of course." I say. "I'm sorry." He said. "Okay." I say avoiding eye contact. Here it comes. He wrapped his arms around me. I can't. He won't do this to me. I sunk my nails into my palm. He picks me up. Why must I be so weak? I know what's coming next. "No. No." I say. Like it even matters. He placed me on the bed and got ready for bed. I laid down and turned my back to him. He came in next to me. "I love you." He said. Just how much? He made me face him. "I love you too". I say. He grins and pulls me in for a kiss. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. I then felt the pieces of clothing slowly come off my body.
Girl your making me cry. Leave him already will ya!? Jk! He'd find you anyway. Comment and Vote!!!

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