Chapter 7

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"Let go!!" I screamed. He realeased. "You need to stop!" I said. He just stared at me fuming. I don't even know what was going on. "What is your problem!?" I asked. He pulled me and then took me over to the window. "Tell me what the problem is..." He whispered. I looked around and had no idea. "Look right there." He said pointing. I looked and I was just horrified. I turned around looked away. "No! Who did that!?" I asked. "I don't know." He said and looked away. "How come your so forceful with me!?" I asked him. He let go and didn't say anything. He started to walk away. I grabbed his wrist. "I asked you a question!" I say. He looks at me then continues to walk. "I'm gonna get rid of that." He said and pointed towards the window. "That was a message sent." He said and walked out. Message to whom!? I have never seen that guy ever in my life!! Someone stabbed him to death then used his blood to write a message. I lost all the energy in my body. I was sick. This is crazy. I heard a creak. I followed it. I looked around came up to the basement. Of course.

I walked in slowly. As soon as I did a strong odor hit me. I covered my nose. It was kinda dark and I couldn't see anything. I heard the creak again and followed it in further. I came upon something on the ground. It was moist. I took out my phone and turned on its flashlight. Blood. Who's!? I followed the trail. It led to a body. I slowly made my way to it. They started moving. I freaked out. It looked like a guy. Wait. That jacket. Toby!? I quickly rushed over to him. "Toby!? Toby!?" I shouted. He moved lightly. "Toby!?" I said tears falling out of my eyes. "L-Laura?" He said weakly. I started crying completely. I put his head on my lap. He looked up at me and cracked a little smile. "I love you sis." He whispered. "No! No! Who did this to you!?" I asked. He spit out some blood. "Ross!!!!!" I shouted. "No don't. It's my time to go." He said. I couldn't!! "No! What did this person look like!? Was it a guy or a girl!? Who did this!?" I asked question after question. "Girl. Very dark character. She ran after me but I lost her once I came here. I fell in here. I was gonna make it up there but Ross is here. He's dangerous. I saw what he did to these two guys. It wasn't pretty. Laura... please leave. Do it for me. I can't see you suffer." He said and his eyes started to close. No! "No! No! Stay with me!!" I said. "Ross!!" I shouted. "No! Let it go! You have to let it be this way!" He said. "I won't no! I will get her! I will hunt her and avenge you! Your going to a hospital and for that please forget this." I say. He touched my hair. "No. Goodbye." He said and closed his eyes. No! "Noooo!!" I say. I hugged him and cried. He was still alive. I know he was. "Laura!!" His voice roared. "Help! I'm here!!!" I shouted.

He ran in a couple seconds later. He immediately was put into shock. "Give him a shot or something please! He can't die!!" I said. He nodded and picked him up. He took him upstairs. I followed close behind. He worked like he was a professional doctor. He worked quickly. He's helping my brother. I held my hand against my chest. Please be okay. I just realized I never observed his wounds. As long as he doesn't die on me. A girl with dark character? Jasmine. Why would she target my family!? I wiped off my tears of sorrow and I was fuming. I balled up my fist. "Woah! Why are you so mad?" He asked. I looked at him. "I have something to do. Watch over him for me. Don't hurt my family." I warned him. He looked at me confused on why I'm suddenly this angry. " Woah! No your not going anywhere at this time." He said. I can"t. No. Jasmine. I looked at him. "I'll be careful. I promise." I say hoping he lets go of my arm. "Not unless I know where your heading." He said. "Follow if you need to but right now I have something to do." I say and get out off his grip. I head for the door then I hear him call for me. I turned around and ran over to him.

"W-why?" he asked weakly. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I say. He smiles. "No it's not. I should just let you be happy and but out of your business. No matter how much dispise this." He said. Ross peered his head. "He was here." He said. I instantly hugged him. "You told me you didn't know who was here." He said through gritted teeth. I gave him the hand. He looked up trying to calm himself. Toby looked at me and then back at him. "I love you sis. Ross......... thank you but this is the end of me. Tell mom I love her." He said. No! My tears started to quicken. I wiped them off. "No!! Don't you talk like that!" I say. He gives me a weak smile then looks up. "I love you." He said and closed his eyes. "Toby!!!" I screamed. Ross pulled me away and checked on him. He looked at me down hearted. "TOBY!!!" I screamed and then all my tears started flowing with no control. He held me. He's gone!!! "Sssh...........I't's gonna be okay." He whispered trying to calm me. She killed my brother!!! She killed my brother!!! She's gonna pay!!!!
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