Megatron X Starscream(Lemon)

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Requested by megastar34

                     "ENOUGH!!!" Megatron had gotten sick and tired of Starscream and Knockout fighting. He grabbed both of the decepticons by the necks and threw them at opposing walls. They grunted in pain and fell back down as they tried to get up. "Lord--- Megatron.... We are sorry....." Knockout gasped. Starscream grunted "I am not! I couldn't care less...." Megatron walked over to him and pushed him against the wall with his pede. "You dare speak to your master in that tone? You might want to rethink that.... Starscream~~" He almost purred when he said that. 

            Megatron grabbed his foot and dragged him. In the hallway, Megatron heard numerous voices besides Starscream's constant screeching, whimpering, and crying. "Oh this ain't good.... What's gonna happen to him?.... Something bad is gonna happen.... What did he do?" The Vehicons chatted amongst themselves. Even Soundwave was scared. He backed up to the wall, quickly, as Megatron passed by. 

                  Megatron pulled the Starscream into a torture chamber and then through him at the wall, knocking him out. "Play time~~..." The warlord purred once more. He locked the door and picked up his seeker. He wrapped his arms in chains and lifted him up into the air. 

                Starscream woke up in pain and saw himself stranded in the air infront of Megatron. "M-my liege!!?? W-what are you d-doing?" The seeker yelped. Megatron smiled and walked around him. "My little Starscream.... You've been a baaad bad seeker..... You've disappointed me in a lot of jobs and missions. You really deserve a punishment~~" His leader growled into his audio receptor, licking it afterward." Starscream yelped at this. He felt something down at his side and he looked down and back to see Megatron rubbing his thighs. Starscream whined and flipped his helm back.

                      "My lord---- p-please..." The seeker whined. Megatron slipped his servo between Starscream's thighs and started to rub his interface panel. Starscream winced and closed his optics tightly. Megatron snapped off both of their interface panels scaring the seeker. "Are you ready, my shining Star? (XD You see what I did there?) " The warlord purred into Starscream's audio receptor. Starscream shook his head and whimpered "P-please my lord.... P-please no...." Megatron hissed and shoved his spike into the seeker, causing him to arch against his liege's chassis and scream out in pain. Megatron pushed as hard as he could into the seeker to try and stretch his tight walls. Starscream moaned the more he pushed into him. The warlord pulled out and then pushed back in to his seeker's port. "Holy Frag... You're tight~!" He began to thrust faster as Starscream's wings drooped down showing fear and pain. 

                 Megatron showed no emotion to this and continued to cause Starscream more pain. He eventually hit a spot in Starscream causing his wings to bolt upright in a sense of enjoyment. He started to scream out, causing Megatron to get a bit nervous. "M-MEGATRON!!! A-AH~! PRIMUS FRAG IT!!! mmm~! Megs, I love you!!! I-I love you so much!!! nnah~~!!" Megatron heard his moans of delight and began to thrust faster and harder. The warlord unchained Starscream and turned him around. He walked over to the wall and began to kiss him over and over as he still fragged him.

                       Starscream opened his mouth allowing entrance for his leader. Their glossas fought for dominance, Starscream eventually giving up and letting Megatron take control. Starscream twists his head a bit, after Megatron breaks the kiss, to show his neck cablings. "I've been a bad decepticon.... Have I not?" the seeker encouraged his master. The Warlord spanked the seeker causing him to moan loudly.(starscream did, not megatron....) "Yes you have been.... My Second in Command~~ You've been a very bad decepticon..." Megatron responds in a seductive tone. He quickly bites onto Starscream's neck cablings and then begins to suck on the sensitive wires sending Starscream into shock. His wings flattened against the wall completely and go straight up. His wings started rubbing against the wall, creating friction and causing sparks to form. Starscream enjoyed this side of his master. 

                          Megatron stopped and pulled Starscream off. He took Starscream too his berthroom and then layed down on his berth, then pulled Starscream on top of him. "Aren't you gonna finish me?" Starscream whined, being pressed down onto his leader. Megatron rolled his optics "No.... I still need you on my team, Screamy.... You're quite valuable to me.... I love you...." Starscream purred and pushed his helm into his liege's neck cables embracing the warmth. "I love you, too, Megss~~~" And just like that.... they were out like a light.

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