Chapter 7: A Planned Future

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         Megatron walked in to see the scout and ran over to Bee hugging him and starting to cry. "Thank Unicron you're ok....... I thought for sure I had lost you....." He let go and looked at the kids who were now scared and miko was kind of angered. "You can't go back to the autobots, Miko..... You should know that...." He growled. Miko stepped back from Megatron in fear from him knowing her name. "H-How do you know her name?" Raf stuttered. Megatron looked to Raf and bent down towards the cage so his faceplate was level with it. Megatron spoke in his gravelly voice once more "I know all of your names, Rafael..... I also know June darby, who is Jack's mother, as well as Agent Fowler.... And I know this all because BumbleBee told me...." He rested his claw on Bee's shoulder as they both blushed and Megatron smiled down at his scout.

              He thought he could make Cybertron best for the scout. He saw a future of the kids as Cybertronians playing with the Vehicons and Showing them so much about Earth. And most importantly.... He saw his future with BumbleBee. Bee would be the most happiest mech he had ever seen from the day he met him. Bee had been a fan of him back on Cybertron from his actions in the gladiator pit. Bee had never even thought of them working together.... and then it hit him. 

         Megatron remembered Bee lose his voice some how and never talk to him again. Everyone had said it had been him but it hadn't been. What was the real truth.... He then knew it..... The leader had lied to his team of saviors..... Optimus had ripped out Bee's voice box.... Optimus had torn them apart.... Optimus lied to the scout to prevent from them ever being friends..... 

              He stopped and his optics widened. The kids looked up to him in confusion. Then everyone heard what he said and their thoughts had turned around. "Optimus is the real enemy...." He sneered and his sword ejected. "I'll kill that Prime for what he did to MY scout..... Bee rightfully belonged to me." He walked out and had Breakdown lead the team until he got back, and If he didn't in a 3 day cycle, BumbleBee..... would lead the Decepticons.

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