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"His name is Drake. They found it about two weeks ago. I didn't want to tell anyone..." He slowly got up from the ground.

And I wished he didn't tell me. Things like this just depressed me."Hey, I'm not crying again today," I said, then left the deck.

When I came back up Jean wasn't on the floor anymore and the paint seemed to be drying. I had tried- and failed- to get the paint out of my hair with a longgggg shower and changed my clothes. We still had about two hours until we landed in Greece. I'd always wanted to go there, greek mythology and stuff.

 "Where's Jean?" I asked. Liam, Harry, and Kayla were trying to scrub the paint off the floor.

"I don't know, he might've jumped off the boat or something," Kayla said. "Jk, he went to his room."

I glared at her then grabbed a brush and helped scrub. I turned to Liam, who was smiling at me, paint still dripping from his shoulders.

"Like your little fashion makeover," I said to him, and he huffed.

So for the next two hours we cleaned the deck and ate some food, as well as try to make ourselves look better. Quad said we could buy a few more clothes once we landed.

"We're herrreee!" Quad said, and Dester came above deck, looking a little green. "Ugggh, finally...." He noticed our lovely hair and clothes and the mess still on the deck and said, "What the hell happened?"

"Paint. War." Kayla said, nodding. "Jealous?"

I smiled and looked out in awe. We were slowly getting into a dock in the ancient city. Some of the buildings looked modern, but there were some small streets with cobblestone sidewalks and old buildings with people riding bikes and walking up and down them. The smell of foreign food wafted into my nose.

"Fooddddd," I groaned. "Can we go to a restaurant?"

"Maybe," Quad said. We all turned as Jean came above deck and stood near us.

"Awwkwarddd," Kayla whispered.

The boat reached the dock and Quad said something in Greek probs to a man at the deck and the guy replied and started tying up the boat.

"Okay, first we gotta check into our small condo for the few days," Quad said. "Then you guys can go do whatever for a little bit...but of course we'll be watching you. And someone will come with you."

We slowly hopped off the boat and my legs wobbled a little, getting used to actual ground. The people walking by looked at our little group of paint covered kidnapped kids and looked appalled.

Dester and Jean went to rent some scooters and we got to ride them!!! I was very excited. We started them up and the plan, in Jean's words, was to "slowly go up the hill" but nooope that wouldn't work with us. Kayla smiled and pulled the handle back really hard, yelling, "I LOVEEE MOTORCYCLES!!!!"

And then she smashed into a store, and a mad looking Greek man started yelling at her.

"Go go go go," Jean whispered and we all took off on our small scootters, ignoring Kayla.

Ten minutes later we were all resting in our hotel room with a nice view when Kayla walked in, hair still messed up and angry looking.

"You LEFT me in the hands of a crazed Greek man!!!!" She screamed. "And my scooter was out of gas or something, so I had to WALK it here!!!"

"Ooppss," Harry said, and earned a glare.

Quad walked in. "So, I'm gonna be your tour guide today, since Jean is kinda crazy and Dester hates all of your guts. Leggo!"

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