Sucks to suckk

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We were halfway through the woods when a gunshot sounded through the forest, making the birds fly away in clusters.

Harry, Liam, and I stopped dead in our tracks.

“We have to go back,” Harry mumbled, then started running back towards the camp site.

Liam grabbed my hand and we followed Harry.

A hand touched my shoulder, but I couldn’t see anyone. I knew it was the angel, Henry, when he said, “Do not let Liam get hurt.”

“What?” I said out loud.

Liam looked at me. “What?”

“Nothing,” I replied.

We reached the campsite and I breathed out when I saw Kayla still alive. She was standing in front of Jean, who looked pretty pissed. The three other men were staring at them in awe.

“What just happened?” Jean asked, bewildered.

“What the hell?” Kayla said.

“What?” Harry said.

“I just… shot her, and nothing happened!” Jean yelled. He reloaded the gun and shot straight at Kayla, and Harry let out a yell, but the bullet went flying through the gun and then just… disappeared.

“I’m invincible!” Kayla yelled.

“What is going on?!” Jean screamed, his face matching the color of his hair.

“It’s the angels,” I suddenly realized.

“What angels?” The short man yelled.

“Those angels,” Kayla said, pointing to Henry and Chace, who were suddenly standing a few feet away. They didn’t have the big wings or anything, they pretty much looked like normal people, besides the really bright eyes and this sort of heavenly aura.

Jean did a double take then rubbed his eyes. “Who are you?”

“I’m Chace, and this is my brother, Henry,” Chace told them. “We are angels.”

The tall pirate looked at them and laughed. “Please.”

Henry stared at him. “You know, if you prefer, we can turn into our natural form and burn your eyeballs off.”

The pirates tried to look un-afraid, but I could tell they were a little freaked out.

“Besides, if we aren’t angels, how can you explain that?” Chace said.

Jean looked very, very confused. “I…. what….. what?”

“What is going on?” Liam asked.

“Liam,” Henry said. “You are safe. Good.”

“Of course I’m safe,” He replied. “Why?”

“Good, Kayla didn’t tell you,” Chace said, nodding at her.

“Tell me what?!” Liam yelled.

“Nothingggg,” Kayla said. “Don’t worry about it. You’re fine now.”

“Chace, we have to get out of here,” Henry told him. “We broke the law coming here and protecting Kayla.”

“What?” Kayla said. “Then why did you do it? I mean, I’m glad that I’m alive and stuff, but why?”

“Because, we knew we had to,” Chace said, as if that answered it.

Jean seemed speechless, just opening and closing his mouth.

“Jean, I suggest you and your pirate friends get out of here before we do worse,” Henry said.

“No way! These are our captives!” One of the pirates said.

“We are NOT,” I said. “I suggest you listen to God, out of anyone.”

Jean’s eyes went from me to Kayla to Harry to Liam. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” He snapped his fingers to the pirates and they followed him into the woods until they were lost in the trees.

“So, what’s going to happen to you guys, since you broke the law and all?” I asked.

“We don’t know,” Chace said. “Last time that happened…. They went to hell.”

“Oh, that’s just great,” Kayla scoffed.

“Don’t worry about us,” Henry said. “We’ll figure it out. It’s yourself you should be worried about. You have to get to somewhere safe, somewhere away from Jean and all of his friends.”

“That’s practically impossible,” Harry said. “Everywhere we go, they seem to find us.”

“Well go somewhere they won’t find you,” Chace said. He and Henry were beginning to fade, like they were just holograms and we were losing connection. “Be somewhere safe.”

“Wait!” Liam yelled, but they had already disappeared.

That night Harry and Liam made a fire while Marisa and I went to look for some type of food. The whole issue was there wasn’t exactly a grocery store in the middle of the woods.

“We could try to catch a fish,” I suggested.

“Eeeeewwwwww,” she answered.

“Fish is good for you though, right?”

“Not if it’s carrying ten billion diseases,” she answered, shaking her head. “No way am I eating a fish.”

“Finnnne,” I said. “We could try to hunt an animal! What animals live in the forest?”

“Noooooo,” she complained. “While we’re here can we just say that we’re vegans?”

“No,” Harry said, walking over to us. “There’s nothing to eat out there except for meat. We can try to find some berries…or something.”

“Ugh!” Marisa yelled, throwing her hands up and marching over to sit by the fire with Liam. Who, by the way, was still upset that nobody would tell him what the whole keeping him safe thing was about. Not that anyone actually knew besides me and I think maybe Marisa.

“Do you know how to catch an animal?” I asked Harry.

He shook his head, “Nope. But how hard can it be?”

Turns out it’s pretty hard. Animals apparently don’t want to be killed, so usually they run away, pretty quickly. After three hours of hunting with Harry all we had was one dead rabit, a dead fish, and a couple berries that we thought weren’t deadly. Emphasis on the thought part.

Liam and Harry skinned the animals while Marisa and I ate the berries. After two hours we didn’t fall over dead, so we figured we would be okay.

I had a little bit of the fish, and Marisa broke down and ate some rabit she was so hungry. Harry and Liam ate most of the meat, but we wouldn’t let them have any of the berries.

Soon we were all lying on the ground ready to sleep. I was next to Harry and Marisa and on the other side of Marisa was Liam. Harry and Marisa’s breathing was slow and steady, and I knew what was coming…

“Are you ever gonna tell me what the angels were talking about?” Liam asked.


“Kayla! I would tell you.”




“What if I pay you?”

I laughed. “With what?”

He groaned.

“Sorry Liam,” I said, not really all that sorry. “But come onnn. If God of all people doesn’t want you to know, don’t you think it’s best if maybe you don’t know?”

He sighed. “No. I really don’t.”

“Then sucks to suck cause I ain’t tellin ya,” I said, then fell asleep. 

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