Mako's proposal

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- Separated we are weak, but together we can be the strongest witch of all time.

Says Mako.

- You think I was born yesterday? Why would I join a ghost that hates me? And besides that, you have something against the Cavendish family.

Says Margareth.

- Yes I have something against the Cavendish family, because they destroyed my life almost 400 years ago, but if you agree to join me I can serve as a soul and conscience for your experiment.

Says Mako.

- My answer is still no; you're not sweet and lovely like my Diana Cavendish.

Says Margareth.

- I can be lovely and sweet when you want and out that I know how to satisfy everything that is woman, I was not a lesbian, but one of my sisters was and showed me how it was. At that time I had just lost my husband to a war, it all fascinated me this whole lesbian thing and open your eyes you never are going to have a person wherever you want.

Says Mako.

- What a beautiful and touching story, but I don't give a fuck. Although I am interested in your pleasure techniques.

Says Margareth.

- I ask for nothing too much in return only that our partnership help to dominate the world.

Says Mako.

- Dominate the world? How stupid a witch you are this is why you ended up in the ditch.

Says Margareth laughing.

- How dare you? I was the most powerful witch in the world at the time, if we join forces you will become unbeatable.

Says Mako.

- There will always be someone stronger than you Mako, if you are dead today; it means that this person has one day arrived. Frankly, dominating the world is the biggest nonsense of all, one day someone will appear and will defeat us and it's not that relevant to dominate the world today or even in my time, this is all pathetic Mako.

Says Margareth.

- And you think it's better to just stand by and do nothing? With nobody at your feet? Without being above someone?

Says Mako.

- Who says I can't cause fear? Whoever knew me is scared to death of me. I prefer it this way because I will never provoke a resistance to be defeated or taken out of power; outside that world domination comes with a lot of responsibility.

Says Margareth.

- Okay, you convinced me you're a witch worthy of my help with this test, but I still want something in return.

Says Mako.

- So it was just a test? What do you want in return then?

Says Margareth.

- Taking revenge on all the Cavendish until there was one alive and that family of the girl with the red hair, I remember that an ancestor of hers defeated me next to the daughters of Diana Cavendish and Sarah Campbell.

Says Mako.

- And you'll become one later, in case you don't know it.

Says Margareth.

- I don't care about that, it'll be different and I'll be alive which is already great.

Says Mako.

- I'll let you kill them, except Ann Cavendish, her body will be what I'll put your soul into.

Says Margareth.

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