6. Drunk And Empty

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As much as I should have, I didn't sleep that night. Instead, I stayed up thinking of all the possible things that could or could not be true.




That strange woman he and I visited.

His feelings for me.


Christopher could have created a whole new image for himself so that he could draw me in. That strange woman could have been his wife. He could have children. Then why would he cheat?

Well, because men have mistresses!

It all made my head hurt, and worse, it tugged on my heartstrings.

Oh, why! Why did I have such feelings! Why must that man make me feel something for him!

I didn't know. It angered me that a possible lie could do such a thing to me.

But more importantly, if this was all true, than what was I going to do when we got to land?

If Christopher was going to leave me, where would I go? Scotland could be a lie; I could end up somewhere I didn't want to be.

I could be in danger.

I made a plan that night. If that sort of thing happened, I would steal money from Christopher and do whatever it took to get back home to my parents.

I knew my father would have a hard time accepting me, but I could promise to find a husband. Then he would welcome me.

But what about on the ship?

Two months, Christopher said. We had two months until we hit land. That was a while away. Anything could happen.


I had to keep myself safe, and I had to find out if Christopher was telling the truth, and if he wasn't, I had to find a way to escape.


Breakfast, cleaning, and sewing are what I did to keep myself busy that day, so I wouldn't have to talk to Christopher.

I wanted to stay away from Christopher as much as possible, but I couldn't keep away from him forever. Then he'd be suspicious.

So, I gave him regular kisses, hugs, and smiles. I did everything I could to keep him from giving me another look.

I greeted him in the morning, asked questions, gave a sarcastic comment, everything I could think of at that time.

But I would be lying if I said it wasn't hard. It was hard to look at Christopher, wondering if he was pulling something, curious if my love and affection meant anything serious for him.

Kissing him was the hardest for me, though. When I kissed him, I felt happy, protected, and loved. I felt like I knew him, now, I'm not so sure.

"I think I'll dust your quarters, " I said, pressing a kiss to Christopher's temple.

I made him a quick lunch since most of the men had devoured breakfast, and Christopher (the captain) hardly got any.

I thought it was strange how Christopher had only had a small serving, saying that the crew needed to eat first, but I made him lunch all the same.

After putting his lunch in front of him and kissing him, I was about to leave, when Christopher pulled me into his lap.

"You know, darling. It's alright to take a break, " he said.

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