The Trip

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Amy had been trying to stay out of Lou's way as they wanted to announce the pregnancy to the family all together but  Lou had a tendency to jump the gun just by noticing small signs.
They had one week left until the Scan.

Ty was in the Clinic and just finished Operating on a Cattle Dog and he knew the dog would soon be doing his job again. He called the owner to let him know that the injury from the Steer that kicked his dog wasn't as bad as first thought and his dog would be back to normal in about 6 weeks.
Ty sat down at his desk doing his paperwork on his laptop when he got an email.
He read it and realised it was from California.  Someone needed his help but the thought of going that far and leaving Amy here brought him out in a cold sweat, his mind thinking back 6 years to when he did just that and almost Lost the love of his life after Ahmed Shot her.
He just couldn't do that again even if she was safe now, he wouldn't be able to concentrate.
He printed off the Email then replied telling them he would have to think how to do it.
It was to far to transport the horse to his clinic and he would need a clinic to use down there that would have the necessary equipment to perform the operation.
Ty checked on his patient who was doing well and was fast asleep.  He set up the monitoring system and tied it to his phone so he could see what's going on.
Amy was working with a black horse that was Not Spartan when Ty walked into the Arena.  He sat down on one of the benches and watched her for ages.
He noticed a completely different Amy, one who was confident and more sure of herself.  He also noticed the connection between them both was stronger and the horse was listening to her. He pulled his phone out and checked on his patient.
After an hour Amy decided that she'd had enough and needed to get ready to pick up Kayden from school.  She turned round and Ty was sitting there watching her.
Hi love, how long you been watching.
Soooooo about an hour.
REALLY. with a big smile on her face, Ty smiled back.
Hows your patient doing.
He's doing just great thank you.

Later on after dinner Kayden was playing in his room and Ty asked Amy to come and sit with him.  Amy was a little concerned as Ty was being serious and wondering what was wrong.
I recieved an Email from someone who needs my help to operate on his horse, the problem is it's to far away to transport the horse here and I would need to operate there.
He could already see her eyes starting to water, now when I realized this I came out in a cold sweat Ames and I can't do it, just the thought of leaving you here scares me to death.  After what happened last time I went off,  I almost lost you Amy.
I know it's  different this time because the problem has been sorted but if I was to go I wouldn't be able to concentrate Ames, he saw a few tears creeping down her cheeks and used his thumb to wipe them away.
But it's your Job Ty, to help. I know love, but I guess it's going to take a long time for us to get over what happened.  It's going to be you come with me and I go with you, always together Amy.
I have an Idea though. Whens the Scan appointment.
Day after tomorrow.
Okay that's Thursday, so what if we have the Baby reveal dinner Friday evening hopefully if there in the right position and the 3 of us go to California and have a working Vacation starting on Monday.
The last one we had was our Honeymoon. 
Ty, how long will you be working for, 2 days at most and the 2nd day will just be on and off just checking on the horse. There will be a Vet Tech there.
Then I thought we could go to Disneyland before you get to big to enjoy it. I'm sure Kayden will think all his Birthdays have come at the same time.  What do you say Amy.
Ty was looking and Amy had a straight face, he gulped thinking she was going to blow up big time.
Then he saw the smirk and a big smile and she launched herself onto his Lap giving him a kiss which just got more provocative the longer it went on.
Errr Kaydens in his room.
Kayden was surprised at how quickly he was suddenly in bed. !!!!!!
But so were Ty And Amy.

It was time for their Scan and they were excited to find out hopefully.
They  were sat waiting their turn when the nurse called them in. Amy got up on the bed and got herself ready for the cold Gel, she really did not like that stuff.
Dr Varani came in with a big smile and asked if they were ready.
"Do you want to know what your expecting today" .
Yes please they said at the same time. 
Right here's the gel ,sorry it's cold Amy. Dr Varani was moving the paddle around and said that everything looks fine.
As for the gender of your baby , she looked at the screen and smiled then she said,  your having a Little Girl.
Amy and Ty were all smiles, Ty gave amy a kiss on the cheek.
I'll see you on your next check up Amy. Take care both of you.

Danger Returns- Who Can You Truly Trust. Part 2 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz