The Trap

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It had been just over 5 weeks and the Doctors were going to start waking up Amy. Ty and Victor along with Lou were going to be there too for Amy's peace of mind when she finally wakes up. Everything was being kept quiet as Amy's death was still the story they were going by for now.
John Pittinger had been working hard behind the scenes talking to the Spiritual leaders in Ahmeds Country with other members  of the Government who were well aware of His Majesty King Ahmed and what happened the last time he was here and was sure of a mutual understanding regarding there King and what he was responsible for. John had also asked that they try to find out what happened to the four young women who were working for Ahmed as Horse Trainers.

Wade had told the RCMP everything he knew because he couldn't believe what he'd done to Amy and this was on his conscience,  but they still needed a good reason to Arrest Akeem.  Jim had a plan for that but he wanted Amy out of Hospital and back home where she would be safe.

Ty was at Maggie's getting some supplies and putting an order in for horse cubes as the amount of horses they had meant it would need to be delivered. He was sat at the counter having coffee and something to eat while talking to Lou.
Lou had noticed many of the Available young women looking at Ty as they obviously thought he was now available due to the story of Amy passing away, even though it hadn't been long.
Lou looked at Ty and quietly was telling him he was being observed by a few women which she found rather funny. Ty however was feeling down as he really missed Amy and so didn't need to act about his feelings. 
His phone suddenly started ringing and saw it was the Doctor from the hospital.  Can I take this in your office please Lou. She nodded and Ty answered the call on his way to have some privacy.
Ty came back out and told Lou that he and her along with Jack and Victor were to be at the Hospital tomorrow at 10am as they were going to start waking someone up.  They looked at each other with big smiles on there faces. Just then Tim walks in and sits at the counter,  Ty says bye to Lou as he needs to get back to perform an operation on a Goat.
Tim just smirks looking at the counter.
What's so funny Dad.
Oh Mr Horse Specialist Operating on a Goat. Ha ha.
Tim's stool suddenly swung round and Tim saw a fist, that fist was the last thing he saw until he woke up still on the diners floor.
"Oh good your awake,  would you get up off the floor as your causing problems with foot traffic."
Tim got up holding his Jaw and sat down again.
"You act like a child sometimes Dad, he's a Vet which means he will help any Animal. He Specialises in horses.
I can understand now why Katie doesn't want to know you because your so embarrassing."
"What!!!! Katie said that about me."
"Yes Dad, she did. You forget she's 15 years old and has her own mind.  She sees things with an open mind. She actually frightened me the other day when she was talking about you, I don't know where it came from but she said that you have a Dark Heart. Your Aurora was black.
Grampa said that great grandma Bartlett had the gift and it looks like Katie has it too.
Tim was going red in the face. Then stormed out.
Lou was a bit upset but knew she had to say something to her dad because she'd seen it for some time but just wanted to ignore it and hope it went away, but it never would.  She'd truly only known her dad properly for about 13 years and believed he'd been hiding who he really was.


The following day they all met at the Hospital hoping that everything would proceed as planned.  They were in the Cafeteria having drinks waiting for the Doctor to arrive. 
A nurse approached them and asked them to follow her , She took them through the back corridors until they reached a private Lift then up to the Top Floor. The Doctor welcomed them all and explained that the Breathing Tube had already been removed and the first injection had been given. Now it was a waiting game, Amy had an Oxygen mask on to help clear her lungs and blood of the drugs.
Ty sat by her side holding her hand , he lifted himself up and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  Even that one little kiss felt good, he'd missed her so much.
The Doctor informed them that Amy was kept in a light Coma just below the surface so it could take anywhere between 6 and 12 Hours for her to come round. Jack and Lou decided to go to the Cafeteria and Ty and Victor would go after.
Lou needed to speak to Jack about Tim anyway about his attitude and the things he's saying although no one believes anything that he says.
Lou had been contacted by one of her waitresses early this morning to inform her that Tim had been in about 7pm the night before to eat.
She suspected Tim had a few drinks before coming to Maggie's but he wasn't drunk. While there he started trying to tell anyone who would listen what he thought went down at the Pegasus Ranch.
While Lou and Jack were chatting and drinking their coffees Lou's phone rang.
"Hi Jim what can I do for you".

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