The Downfall of a King

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It had been three weeks since Akeem had been caught and Amy ended up in another Coma after an aneurysm brought on by complete and uter Shock along with a Panic attack. 
Ty was managing but only Just, he was trying to run the clinic and the Sanctuary and look after Kayden.
He needed another Ranch Hand and asked Annie who was full time manager to sort thing's out, then thanked her.
Doctors had told Ty yesterday while he was there that Amy was doing well and scans showed good brain activity
He had to have hope after all.

John Pittingger and his family were shocked when told what happened,  his Daughter Lisa was upset her friend was going through all this again.
John decided that they ( Government) had played around nicely too long and he was going to chair a meeting that afternoon to thrash out what they were going to do about it.  Ahmed was determined to kill amy just because she said No to him and embarrassed him. They had all the evidence they needed now. Three of the 4 young women who were missing had been found and with the help of the Elders they were now home with their familys. There was no sign of the 4th so they assumed that her fate may have been similar to Amy's. Except Amy was a Tough nut to crack.

Victor and his friends had to return home but victor told Ty he would be back as soon as possible.
Lou was helping Ty with Kayden when she could and so was Jack and Lisa.

John had his meeting and they all decided to release the file on Ahmeds activities and his victims to the press and sent them at the same time to the Elders explaining that they needed to take action against their Sexual Predator King immediately. They also explained what had happened to Amy for the 3rd time and this was no longer acceptable, either you deal with Ahmed or someone else would.

The files were not just what they had from themselves but also from Europe  and now included what his men had given up freely.
Those men had now been returned to their own country and his jumping team had also been told to pack up and go home. None were welcome back ever.
Akeem had his Diplomatic Imunity rescinded and was being charged with attempted murder on two counts. Wade was also in trouble and charged with attempted Manslaughter on two counts.

Ty was sat by Amy's bed talking to her as he always did playing the waiting game.

Ahmed was  angry that Akeem had failed, he was angry at himself that he failed and of course Wade who chickened out at the last minute.
His wife who was terrified of him had left the Palace and asked to speak to the ruling Elders about her husband the King.
Normally they would not interfere with a wife and husband but they wanted to know things and when she told them how perverted he was they were truly shocked. They decided that given the testimony from his wife and the files disclosed to them from Canada and Europe they had no other choice.
Ahmed was given 2 hours to vacate the Palace without any fuss, if not they would send in the guard and remove him by force.
Ahmed was gone within the hour.

It was on the News and in the papers who Ahmed truly was and what he had done.  One of his brothers was sworn in as King and the first thing he did as king was put a price on Ahmeds head for bringing their country and religion into disrepute.


The bullet proof glass was left in place for now, the damaged one was replaced.
Security at the Ranch was back to normal.  Jim and the other officers were healed and back to normal  all except poor Amy who had more than her fair share of close encounters with joining her mother.

It had now been 6 weeks and amy was improving, her level of consciousness was becoming more evident and the doctor didn't think it would be long before she was awake.
Ty went home as the Doctor wanted to do another MRI to check her, he was not taking anything for granted .
Soon the cleaners were up in ICU keeping everything clean. One was in Amy's room mopping the floor so the nurse went to the next room while he finished. When she came back in he  was under the bed wiping the framework down then he said he was finished and left.
Half an hour later two Orderlies arrived to take amy down for her MRI , they transferred her to a gurny and along with the Nurse proceeded to take her to the X-ray department. Amy was only on an Oxygen mask now so it was easier than taking the whole bed.
They reached the department, booked her in and just had to wait.
Suddenly the building started to shake, they were 4 floors down and they could see debris falling past the windows and some of it was on fire.

Ty was in the clinic when Annie ran in all out of breath and a look of shock on her face.
What's wrong Annie,  She looked at ty and burst out crying, Ty got her to sit down and she pointed to the TV, So he switched it on and stared at it. Part of the Hospital was on Fire, the reporter was saying that the ICU Ward had been Blown up and everything destroyed.  Fatalities and injuries unknown. 
30 minutes later Lou turned up and the gates opened,  she went straight  to Ty and hugged him . His phone went off and he saw a message from Jim.
"Amy safe downstairs having an MRI. Dont worry.   Jim" .
It's Okay. Jim just texted me. Amy's down in the MRI dept.
Oh thank god lou shouted.  Annie cheered up too.
Lou looked at Ty "How many were in ICU Ty??  "Well when I left earlier Amy was the only one unless they had someone admitted. ".
Here we go again. Was it deliberate. 
Said lou.
I have no idea Lou ,I'll give Jim a call later. I dont want to go there in case someone is watching. It could have been an Accident so we will have to wait and find out. At least we know that by a miracle Amy is safe and alive. ...

The Doctor and Jim decided to implement the same procedure they did nearly 6 years ago and moved Amy somewhere safe, different name, etc. Her original file was changed to Deceased.  Her hair was hidden under bandages and a false incubation mask placed over her face.
Jim and his team started to look through the CCTV footage backwards from the explosion,  eventually they came upon the bearded man who was cleaning, Jim's team got a good shot of his face and cleaned it up.
Jim looked at it and something told him that he knew this face. He sent a copy to Ty and asked him to look but said they didn't know if the beard was real or false.
Ty kept looking at the photo , Lou had just turned up with Kayden to get some clothes as he said he wanted to stay at awntie Lou house which was fine with Lou as she really enjoyed having him and Jack n Lisa were there too.
What ya staring at Ty, he explained things to Lou and gave her his phone for a try to guess who it is.
It didn't take Lou long, she recognized the eyes almost immediately.
Ty... this is Ahmed.  Ty looked again but zoomed in to get rid of the beard and then saw Ahmed staring back at him.
He immediately phoned Jim and told him , Jim knew now why he looked familiar, thanks Ty,
oh dont thank me, thank Lou. She guessed almost straight away. 
Ahmeds face  both clear and Bearded was circulated everywhere including the News Channels and the US Borders.
Jim still wasn't sure  how he got into the country.  He had two armed guards watching amy inside the room and the door was Key locked . Jim wasn't letting anyone near that young women who's nick name was very apt.
Miracle Girl .

Of course the media found out that Amy was in ICU when the explosion happened.
The Forensics confirmed it was a powerful bomb and was under Amy's bed ,had she been in it amy would of been vaporized.
The media made a big deal about it and what happened to her.  The police and Hospital would only say that it was her bed, leaving the media to make up there own minds.

To be continued

Danger Returns- Who Can You Truly Trust. Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now